Planting Science - What's New: Fiscal Year 2016

What's New: Fiscal Year 2016

Articles feed

  1. Related Links: Celery Challenge

    Videos, Web Pages, Books, and Peer-Reviewed Articles to Supplement Celery Challenge Teacher's Guide Resource TypeResourceNotesWeb Pages Check Out Plant Transpiration! A quick exercise...

  2. Related Links: Corn Competition

    Videos, Web Pages, Books, and Peer-Reviewed Articles to Supplement Corn Competition Teacher's Guide Resource TypeResourceNotesWeb Pages for Corn Seed and Educational Kits All Corn...

  3. More Information: Agronomy Feeds the World

    Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Performance ExpectationsThe performance expectations for the Agronomy Feeds the World module...

  4. Related Links: The Power of Sunlight

    Additional ResourcesThis curated list of resources has been provided to give you some additional support as you present concepts related to photosynthesis and cellular respiration to your students....

  5. Related Links: The Wonder of Seeds

    Videos, Web Pages, Books, and Peer-Reviewed Articles to Supplement The Wonder of Seeds Teacher's Guide Seed GerminationResource TypeResourceNotesWeb Pages 32,000-Year-Old Plant...

  6. Science in the Classroom

    The skills and background of participating students will vary enormously. Being familiar with a few general characteristics of young learners may help you gauge expectations.What is the Life of a...

  7. Online Conversation with Mentors

    Making the Most of Your Scientist Mentor“…The exchange in communication with the mentor and having a good mentor is key to your project’s success.” - Springfield High...

  8. Peer Communication and Peer Review

    What Are Good Reasons for Posting on Another Team’s Project Page?If your teacher asks you to look at one of the other teams’ pages from your school and do a peer review, that is a good...

  9. Teacher Roadmaps - Making Sense of Findings

    Look at All the Findings in ContextMaking sense of science is something that happens from the initial questions to synthesizing findings, all throughout a study. Scientists constantly cross-check...

  10. Teacher Roadmap - Doing Investigations

    Stay the Course, Anticipate Tweaks and New IdeasMuch of science is perseverance and attention to detail. Compared to the creative thinking to develop a question and the critical thinking and...

  11. Mentor Roadmaps - Communicating Effectively

    What's Going on in the Classroom?To communicate effectively with your team, it can help to have an understanding of what's going on in the classroom. Check out our guide to Science in the...

  12. Mentor Roadmaps - PlantingScience and the Scientist Mentor Role

    The purpose of the asynchronous blog/online conversation is to provide one-on-one conversation between scientists and students. Through the conversation, students have opportunities to reflect on...

  13. Mentor Roadmaps - Visualizing and Analyzing Data

    Look for Trends and Patterns to See What Your Data SayThe 2009 Nation’s Report Card has this to say about student performance on inquiry learning tasks:“Students were successful on...

  14. Mentor Roadmaps - Planning Your Study

    Cross-check Research Design with Research Question to Plan Your CourseThe materials, classroom space, and time available will greatly impact the research designs students propose. For example, you...

  15. Teacher Roadmaps - Planning your Study

    Cross-check the Research Design with the Research Question to Plan the CourseMany students will choose to conduct experiments. Doing observational studies and investigations using existing data may...

  16. Teacher Roadmaps - Research Question

    Good Questions Come from Examining the Ideas CloselyCareful observations of interesting phenomena can be a powerful generating force for questions. What typically limits students from asking...

  17. Mentor Roadmaps - Doing Investigations

    Stay the Course, Anticipate Tweaks and New IdeasMuch of science is perseverance and attention to detail. Compared to the creative thinking to develop a question and the critical thinking and...

  18. Mentor Roadmaps - Making Sense of Findings

    Look at All the Findings in ContextMaking sense of science is something that happens from the initial questions to synthesizing findings, all throughout a study. Scientists constantly cross-check...

  19. Mentor Roadmaps - Research Question

    Good Questions Come from Examining IdeasCareful observations of interesting phenomena can be a powerful generating force for questions. What typically limits students from asking “good”...

  20. Teacher Roadmaps - Arguing from Evidence

    Convincing Arguments Come from Evidence and ReasoningA convincing argument for a new idea backed up with strong data is the driver of growth and change in accepted disciplinary knowledge. A...

  21. Mentor Roadmaps - Arguing from Evidence

    Convincing Arguments Come from Evidence and ReasoningA convincing argument for a new idea backed up with strong evidence is the driver of growth and change in accepted disciplinary knowledge. This...

  22. Teacher Roadmaps - Making Presentations

    Pulling it Together to Make Meaning and Get Feedback

  23. Teacher Roadmaps - Visualizing and Analyzing Data

    Look for Trends and PatternsHelp students to set up a data plan before they begin collecting data. Suggest that they track data in an organized way so that they can see patterns in their data as it...

  24. Teacher Roadmap - Explore

    Questions Come from Explorations and ExperiencesLike a rabbit pulled from a hat, student science projects can appear pulled out of thin air. To ground a project in biological realities, students...

  25. Mentor Roadmaps - Making Presentations

    Pulling it Together to Make Meaning and Get FeedbackFinal presentations are valuable opportunities for students to pull together their understandings as they document their investigations for...


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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