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Additional Resources

This curated list of resources has been provided to give you some additional support as you present concepts related to photosynthesis and cellular respiration to your students.


Youtube Playlist

PlantingScience's Youtube channel includes a playlist of recommended videos on these topics that are appropriate for middle or high school students. These include videos from popular science creators such as Hank Greene (Crash Course), the Amoeba Sisters, BrainPop, TedEd and more.

Sun_Icon.pngWebsites and Articles

This list includes interactives, resource repositories, and readings that can be used to deepen or complement the Power of Sunlight activities in the classroom.

HHMI Biointeractive: Photosynthesis This interactive video experience walks students through the process of photosynthesis. Lesson plans and other support resources are also provided.
NOVA: Illuminating Photosynthesis  This click-and-learn interactive from NOVA helps to underscore the basics of photosynthesis, how molecules move and change within the plant, etc.  This resource is most appropriate for younger students.
Watch Leaves Change Color in a Matter of Seconds Owen Reiser, a mathematics and biology student at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, created a fantastic time-lapse series of leaves changing color in the fall. This video provides insight on HOW leaves change color, a phenomenon previously not well-understood.
Popular Science Articles on Photosynthesis This link will take you to a search page listing all of the currently available articles published in Popular Science that relate to the topic of photosynthesis.  
Avoid misconceptions when teaching about plants Directly addresses fifty known misconceptions about plants in five different categories. Includes numerous misconceptions about photosynthesis; by David R. Hershey.
Exploring photosynthesis with Fast Plants Leaf disk floatation approach using samples from Fast Plants cotyledons, by Wisconsin Fast Plants.
The Floating Leaf Disk Assay for Investigating Photosynthesis (A Resource Page) Full procedure with photos and reference list, by Brad Williamson with the Exploring Life Community.
FT Exploring Science and Technology: Photosynthesis: How Life Keeps Going Readings, diagrams, and photos on topics linked to photosynthesis, by David E. Watson at Flying Turtle.
Photosynthesis - the most important process on earth? Interactive lesson and questions based in the GCSE Biology syllabi used in UK. Mousing over the white space will provide answers; by Richard Steane.
TIMMS Special Initiative in Problem Solving and Inquiry: Grade 8 Science A problem-solving question related to photosynthesis based on a diagram of an experimental setup. Link to similar questions on light filters also available; by Trends in International Mathematics & Science Study 2003.
Willows and Photosynthesis: Analyzing von Helmont’s Classic Experiment A brief paragraph of von Helmont’s writing along with questions about the experiment; by S.G. Saupe at the College of St. Benedict/St. John’s University.

Cell Respiration: Balloon Blow-Up Instructions for a simple classroom demonstration using a closed container of yeast to blow up a balloon, by the Indianapolis Public Library.        
Cellular Respiration Animations     Set of four animations: overview, glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and electron transport. The three core animations have embedded quiz questions; by Jay Phelan with Sumanas, Inc.
Bio FAX: Respiration vs. Photosynthesis   PDF of a lesson plan from Flinn Scientific, Inc. that outlines another experiment using Elodea and a snail.
Student Inquiry Into Cellular Respiration Peer-reviewed, college-level POGIL activity for cellular respiration, by Barbara Fritz with the Mn-SCU-PKAL Partnership.

Leaf_Icon.pngBooks & Articles

The following list of resources is recommended reading for teachers and scientists who are engaging students using the Power of Sunlight investigation theme. The topics here include pedagogical concerns as well as concept/topic-related works.

Lord, Save Me From the Kreb's Cycle NPR editorial discussing the challenge of teaching complex biology concepts, by Robert Krulwich.
The effects of instruction on college nonmajors’ conceptions of respiration and photosynthesis Anderson, C.W., Sheldon, T.H., and J. Dubay. 1990. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 27(8): 761-776.
Floating spinach disks – an uplifting demonstration of photosynthesis Fox, M., Gaynor, J.J., and J. Shillcock. 1999. Journal of College Science Teaching 28(3): 210-212.
How students aged 13-15 understand photosynthesis Stavy, R., Eisen, Y., and D. Yaakobi. 1987. International Journal of Science Education 9(1): 105-115.
In-depth analysis of misconceptions as a basis for developing research-based remedial instruction: The case of photosynthesis Amir, R., and P. Tamir. 1994. The American Biology Teacher 56(2): 94-100.
Plant Biology Science Projects: Best science projects for young adults Hershey, D.R. 1995. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.
Plants and producers: A case study of elementary science teaching Smith, E., and C. Anderson. 1984. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 21(7): 685-698.
The Power Plant: Teacher's Guide to Photosynthesis Roth, K. J., and C. Anderson. 1985. East Lansing, MI: Institute for Research on Teaching, Michigan State University.
Regulation of Chrysanthemum Growth by Spectral Filters Rajaparkse, N.C., and J.W. Kelly. 1992. Journal of American Society of Horticultural Sciences 117(3): 481-485.
Students' misconceptions about photosynthesis: A cross-age study Wandersee, J.H. 1983. In Helm, H. and J. Novak, eds. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Misconceptions in Science and Mathematics Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
Students' understanding of photosynthesis Eisen, Y., and R. Stavy. 1988. The American Biology Teacher 50(4): 208-212.

Teaching and learning about photosynthesis.

Part I: An assessment in terms of students' prior knowledge

Barker, M., and M. Carr. 1989a. International Journal of Science Education 11(1): 49-56.

Teaching and learning about photosynthesis.

Part II: A generative learning strategy

Barker, M., and M. Carr. 1989b. International Journal of Science Education 11(2): 141-152.
Teaching botany on the sunny side of the tree: Promoting investigative studies of plant ecophysiology through observations and experiments on sun and shade leaves Weyers, J.D.B., Hogland, H-O., and B. McEwen. 1998. Journal of Biological Education 32(3): 181-190.
Textbook errors and misconceptions in biology: Photosynthesis Storey, R.D. 1989. The American Biology Teacher 51(5): 271-274.


Mystery of the toxic flea dip: An interactive approach to teaching aerobic cellular respiration Baines, A.T., McVey, M., Rybarczyk, B., Thompson, J.T., and H.R. Wilkins. 2003. Cell Biology Education 3(1): 62-68.
Teaching cellular respiration & alternate energy sources with a laboratory exercise developed by a scientist-teacher partnership Briggs, B., Mitton, T., Smith, R., and T. Magnuson. 2009. The American Biology Teacher 71(3): 164-167.
Cellular Respiration: Death & Destruction with a Side of alpha-ketoglutarate Brucker, W., Schorl, C., Lovato, A., Croteau, S., Veltri, C., Schapira, K., Brucker, B., Packer M., Armstrong, G., Collins, C., Peterson, A., Boakye, C., Paulo, J., Bradley, I., and A. Khoury. 2012. Providence, RI: Brucker Books.
Effectiveness of conceptual change text-oriented instruction on students’ understanding of cellular respiration concepts Çakir, Ö.S., Geban, Ö., and N. Yürük. 2002. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 30(4): 239-243.
When are analogies the right tool? A look at the strategic use of analogies in teaching cellular respiration to middle-school students Else, M.J., Ramirez, M.A., and J. Clement. 2002. In: Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the Association for the Education of Teachers in Science (Charlotte, NC, January 10-13, 2002).
Learning about cellular respiration: An active approach illustrating the process of scientific inquiry Johnson, M. 1998. The American Biology Teacher 60(9): 685-689.
A study of aboriginal and urban junior high school students’ alternative conceptions on the definition of respiration Kao, H-L. 2007. International Journal of Science Education 29(4): 517-533.
An inquiry-based approach to teaching photosynthesis & cellular respiration O’Connell, D. 2008. The American Biology Teacher 70(6): 350-356.
Increasing conceptual understanding of glycolysis & the Krebs cycle using role-play Ross, P.M., Tronson, D.A., and R.J. Ritchie. 2008. The American Biology Teacher 70(3): 163-168.
The Power Cell: Teacher’s Guide to Respiration Roth, K. J., Anderson, C.W., Hollon, R., and T. Blakeslee. 1985. East Lansing, MI: Institute for Research on Teaching, Michigan State University.
A case-based approach increases student learning outcomes and comprehension of cellular respiration concepts Rybarczyk, B.J., Baines, A.T., McVey, M., Thompson, J.T., and H. Wilkins. 2007. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 35(3): 181-186.
Erroneous ideas about respiration: The teacher factor Sanders, M. 1993. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 30(8): 919-934.
Textbook errors & misconceptions in biology: Cell metabolism Storey, R.D. 1991. The American Biology Teacher 53(6): 339-343.
High school students’ conceptual evolution of the respiration concept from the perspective of Giere’s cognitive science model Tamayo Alzate, O.E., and N. Sanmarti Puig. 2007. International Journal of Science Education 29(2): 215-248.


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