Planting Science - Related Links: Celery Challenge
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Related Links: Celery Challenge

Videos, Web Pages, Books, and Peer-Reviewed Articles to Supplement Celery Challenge Teacher's Guide


Resource Type Resource Notes
Web Pages
  Check Out Plant Transpiration! A quick exercise allowing late elementary or middle school students to observe transpiration by enclosing a leaf in an assembled container; by Michigan Reach Out!
  Concept 3: Plant Tissue Systems This basic summary of plant tissue systems, cell types, and locations within a plant contains a quiz suitable for self-testing. Concepts 4, 5, and 6 similarly review dermal, ground, and vascular plant tissues, respectively; by Pearson Education, Inc.
  Diffusion and Osmosis This large resource provides background on eight concepts within the topic and follows up with five possible exercises and a lab quiz; by Theresa Knapp Holtzclaw for Pearson Education, Inc.
  Fast Plant Movement A short video of a sensitive plant’s response to touch is followed by a brief lesson and demo to promote student understanding of turgor pressure; by Janice VanCleave.
  How Osmosis Works A brief narrated animation describes osmosis and tonicity, and understanding is tested in a multiple choice quiz. Quiz results can be e-mailed to an instructor and/or TA; by Michael McKinley and Valerie Dean O’Loughlin for McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
  Microscopy – Looking at Xylem and Specialized Cells Overview with downloadable lab exercises on observing plant water transport and examining xylem and trichomes using light microscopy; by Science & Plants for Schools.
  Osmosis in a Plant Cell Simple animations of a cell, solutes, and water movement demonstrate seven different terms relating to osmosis; by the Smartacus Corporation.
  Osmosis in Plant Cells Background information on osmosis, three related laboratory exercise, and follow-up questions are appropriate for undergraduate or advanced high school students; by Dr. Ross Koning.
  Rising CO2 is Causing Plants to Release Less Water to the Atmosphere, Researchers Say Press release about two research studies relating to changes in plant anatomy and transpiration as atmospheric CO2 continues to increase; provided by EurekAlert on behalf of David Bricker at Indiana University.
  Transpiration This page describes the limitations in early explanations for how transpiration functions in tall trees, then links to information about the role of osmosis in phloem loading and three exercises investigating osmosis as a factor in plant transpiration; by
  Transpiration – Water Movement Through Plants Detailed, undergraduate-level lesson and interactive animation on transpiration includes biological and environmental factors influencing a plant’s transpiration rate; provided by Plant & Soil Sciences eLibraryPRO at the University of Nebraska Lincoln.
  The Water Cycle – Transpiration Overview of plant transpiration describes its links to atmosphere and groundwater; part of the Water Science School website by the U.S. Geological Survey.
  Water Relations, Osmosis, and Transpiration Background information and lab exercises address the overall transpiration stream, environmental influences on transpiration rate, and changes in turgor pressure. Includes worksheet questions and graph paper; by Dr. Christopher R. Hardy with the James C. Parks Herbarium at Millersville University.
  Epic Flytrap of Doom (2:44) Dramatically-soundtracked video of a hapless cricket getting captured by a Venus flytrap; uploaded by khbkb.
  Osmosis Demonstration with a Raw Egg (3:47) Time-lapse video of changes in an egg that has had its shell dissolved when placed in a hypertonic solution, then one that is hypotonic, relative to it; uploaded by Thomas Sharpe.
  Plant Structure (13:37) Detailed presentation on plant anatomy. Segment from 2:32 to 6:50 describes the three tissue types and some specialized cells within each type; uploaded by bozemanbiology.
  Potometer (5:44) Demonstration of how to assemble a simple potometer to measure plant transpiration; uploaded by penniniscience.
  Time Lapse – Tomato Plant HD (1:14) Tomato plants are grown from seed on time lapse video, with watering points indicated to help viewers identify the effects of changing turgor pressure in the young plants; uploaded by Learjet15.
  Transpiration (1:01) Brief animation describing the flow of water molecules from root to stomata, with some discussion of osmotic pressure; uploaded by Biolover2009.
  Water Movement in Plants Video (2:30) Directions for a simple, non-inquiry based lab using food coloring to track water uptake in celery somewhat similar to the Celery Sucks! demonstration; uploaded by mrsdeiterscience.
  Active movements in plants: Mechanisms of trap closure by Dionaea muscipula Ellis Markin, V.S., Volkov, A.G., and E. Jovanov. 2008. Plant Signaling and Behavior 3(10): 778-783.
  The biology of transpiration: From guard cells to globe von Caemmerer, S., and N. Baker. 2007. Plant Physiology 143(1): 3.
  Comparison of student learning about diffusion and osmosis in constructivist and traditional classrooms Christianson, R.G., and K.M. Fisher. 1999. International Journal of Science Education 21(6): 687-698.
  Content of field-grown celery [Apium graveolens L. var. dulce (Mill.) Pers.] under saline irrigation De Pascale, S., Maggio, A., Ruggiero, C., and G. Barbieri. 2003. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 128(1): 136-143.
  Drip irrigation management affects celery yield and quality Breschini, S.J., and T.K. Hartz. 2002. HortScience 37(6): 894-897.
  High school biology students’ knowledge and certainty about diffusion and osmosis concepts Odom, A.L., and L.H. Barrow. 2007. School Science and Mathematics 107(3): 94-101.
  How effective are simulated molecular-level experiments for teaching diffusion and osmosis? Meir, E., Perry, J., Stal, D., Maruca, S., and E. Klopfer. 2005. Cell Biology Education 4(3): 235-248.
  Land plants acquired active stomatal control early in their evolutionary history Ruszala, E.M., Beerling, D.J., Franks, P.J., Chater, C., Casson, S.A., Gray, J.E., and A.M. Hetherington. 2011. Current Biology 21(12): 1030-1035.
  The limits to tree height Koch, G.W., Silett, S.C., Jennings, G.M., and S.D. Davis. 2004. Nature 428(6985): 851-854.
  A model for extending hands-on science to be inquiry based Huber, R.A., and C.J. Moore. 2001. School Science and Mathematics 101(1): 32-42.
  Osmosis in the balance Wood-Robinson, C. 2001. Journal of Biological Education 35(2): 98-99.
  Problem solvers’ conceptions about osmosis Zuckerman, J.T. 1994. The American Biology Teacher 56(1): 22-25.
  Secondary & college biology students’ misconceptions about diffusion & osmosis Odom, A.L. 1995. The American Biology Teacher 57(7): 409-415.
  Understanding transpiration – More than meets the eye Barker, M. 1998. Journal of Biological Education 33(1): 17-20.


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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