Planting Science - What's New: Fiscal Year 2016

What's New: Fiscal Year 2016

Articles feed

  1. Related Links: Celery Challenge

    Videos, Web Pages, Books, and Peer-Reviewed Articles to Supplement Celery Challenge Teacher's Guide Resource TypeResourceNotesWeb Pages Check Out Plant Transpiration! A quick exercise...

  2. Related Links: Corn Competition

    Videos, Web Pages, Books, and Peer-Reviewed Articles to Supplement Corn Competition Teacher's Guide Resource TypeResourceNotesWeb Pages for Corn Seed and Educational Kits All Corn...

  3. More Information: Agronomy Feeds the World

    Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Performance ExpectationsThe performance expectations for the Agronomy Feeds the World module...

  4. Related Links: The Power of Sunlight

    Additional ResourcesThis curated list of resources has been provided to give you some additional support as you present concepts related to photosynthesis and cellular respiration to your students....

  5. Related Links: The Wonder of Seeds

    Videos, Web Pages, Books, and Peer-Reviewed Articles to Supplement The Wonder of Seeds Teacher's Guide Seed GerminationResource TypeResourceNotesWeb Pages 32,000-Year-Old Plant...

Top 5 shown

Resources feed

  1. MPST - Ecological Society of America

    21 Jul 2016 | Contributor(s):: plantingscience

    The Master Plant Science Team is designed to provide compensation for a cohort of 5 graduate students who make a substantial contribution as an online scientist mentor. To support your extra efforts, there are extra bene ts and support systems.

  2. MPST - Canadian Botanical Association

    21 Jul 2016 | Contributor(s):: plantingscience

    The Master Plant Science Team is designed to provide compensation for a cohort of 5 graduate students and post-doctoral researchers who make a substantial contribution as an online scientist mentor. To support your extra efforts, there are extra bene ts and support systems.

  3. MPST - American Society of Plant Biologists

    21 Jul 2016 | Contributor(s):: plantingscience

    The Master Plant Science Team is designed to provide compensation for a cohort of 12 graduate students and postdocs who make a substantial contribution as an online scientist mentor. To support their extra efforts, there are extra benefits and support systems.

  4. MPST - Botanical Society of America

    21 Jul 2016 | Contributor(s):: plantingscience

    The Master Plant Science Team is designed to provide compensation for a cohort of 20 graduate students and post-doctoral researchers who make a substantial contribution as an online scientist mentor. To support your extra efforts, there are extra benefits and support systems.

  5. Primary literature!! Blackawton Bees Paper

    12 Jul 2016 | Teacher Resources | Contributor(s):: Sandrine Georgette Clairardin

    Hi all! Attached is the link to the peer reviewed literature article that I discussed briefly this morning! I'm also including a link to a TED talk by the scientist who spearheaded the project to give you some context. It makes science way less scary for a lot of kids. Enjoy! :)  

Top 5 shown | See more results ›

Wiki Pages feed

  1. Explanation tool for FDD's cellular respiration tool

    Group write-up

  2. Yah Yah Yah

    Testing notes

  3. Pending

    Our project ideas have been submitted to mentors and are being reviewed.

  4. New Notewhat is the effect of CO2 on plant bio mass

    Can you tell us if this is a good research question?

  5. New Note

    I am testing.

Top 5 shown


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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