Planting Science - Projects: Fire and Ice
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Fire and Ice

Project by group mhsschellingspring2021


Explore Some research that we did was to figure out what temperature best germinates the cilantro seeds based on our research it showed the 13-18 degrees celsius best germinates herbs. This helped us pick two of our five temperatures.
Research Question What water temperature with best germinate the cilantro seeds?
Predictions The room temperature water will best germinate the seeds. The colder water will germinate the seeds better than the hotter water.
Experimental Design Our plan is to put the seeds in petri dishes so we can see when they germinate, we will make sure that our water temperature is at the temperature that we want which is 5, 10, 20, 35, and 50 degrees Celsius.
Conclusion Our conclusion was that our hypothesis somewhat supported our first trial and did not support our second trial. In the first trial, it supported the experiment because the 10 degrees celsius ended up germinating the cilantro seeds better than the 35 and 50 degrees celsius. The 10 degree celsius...
About this Project

This group did a great job of designing their experiment and understanding the importance of multiple trials. They ran several trials of their germination experiment first and noticed some inconsistencies in data, so they ran several more trials of each variable. They worked well as a group...


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Hi Jessica, I wanted to update you on how our plant project went over these past several weeks. Overall, both of our trials gave us relatively the same results. The petri dishes that contained seeds that were watered with extreme temperatures (5 degrees C and 50 degrees C) showed the least amount of growth throughout our experiment. The petri dishes with the seeds that were watered with more moderate temperatures (10 degrees C and 20 degrees C) definitely showed the most growth and change during our two trials. We would all like to thank you for your help and great ideas throughout these past few weeks! Your opinions and thoughts truly helped us to improve our experiment and understand more about what setting up an experiment is like- as well as what should be included in it. We're really glad we had someone like you to help and guide us along the way. Thank you!!

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Looks like you are in the final stages of your projects.

It’s great to see that teams from your school are wrapping up and posting conclusions. Enjoy the final stages of your project, and feel free to post any final comments or questions you have for your mentors.

You have until Tuesday, April 25, 2021, for final posts to be added, so please be sure to thank your fellow teammates soon!


Jessica, thanks for the ideas! We have also started a new (second trial) late last week, and our results and observations are very similar to those of our first trial!

    Jessica Prosser

    That's excellent! We love to see the same results in multiple trials. It means that you all had excellent technique and were able to replicate your work. That's very important in science. 

    Great job team!

    Jessica Prosser

    That's very interesting! It's very common in science for things not to go the way that you expect them to. Especially with plants, they have a mind of their own. Since there wasn't a clear "best" temperature you can do a few things to select the "best". You can either measure the growth and calculate the average which might be the easiest. Or you can create a scale. For example, day 4 sprouting is worth 5 points then day 5 is 4 points, and so on. Each seed that is germinated gets the points corresponding to when they germinated. The temperature with the most points is the "best" temperature because the seeds germinated faster. 

    Great work!

uploaded IMG_0714.jpg, IMG_0712.jpg in project files

Hey Jessica, here's an update on our project: A few of our seeds have started germinating in some of the petri dishes. We currently have seeds germinating from each kind of petri dish, except for the 50 degree dishes for which the seeds have barely started growing yet. The 10 degree temperature dishes have the most seeds that are germinating. 

    Jessica Prosser

    That's very interesting results! Which temperature group germinated first? 

    Do you know how you will organize the data that you are collecting into a visual format?


Hi Jessica, so far we have set up 15 total petri dishes with 3 petri dishes of each temperature. We put 10 cilantro seeds in each dish and watered them with the correct temperature. We will be measuring based on time- how fast it takes the cilantro seeds to germinate.


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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