Planting Science - Wiki: Questions to ask farmers: Compare

Questions to ask farmers

Version 1
by (unknown)
Version 2
by (unknown)

Deletions or items before changed

Additions or items after changed

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Why/how did you decide to be a farmer?
What's it like to be a farmer?
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3 +
Why/how did you decide to be a farmer?
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5 +
How long has farming been a part of your life? How long has it been a part of your family's life?
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7 +
What crops do you grow?
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9 +
How do you grow your crops? Do you use fertilizer? How do you irrigate the plants? Do you use integrated pest management?
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11 +
Where do you get your seeds from? Are they heirloom seeds passed down from previous generations of your family?
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13 +
Do you grow organic crops? What are the benefits and challenges of growing crops organically?
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Do you use genetically modified seeds? What is your opinion of GMO foods?
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Who buys your crops? Where do you sell them? Do you supply a large amount of produce to chain stores?
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How do you make sure your crops (and the resources used to grow them) are sustainable?
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What happens if there's a drought, severe weather, crop damage from pests, etc.? What do you do?
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Do you provide any services besides selling crops? (Example: Halloween corn mazes) Do you offer programs for school children?
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Do you use any alternative energy sources on your farm? (Wind mills, solar panels, etc.)
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What is your opinion of fracking for natural gas extraction?
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Do you have an opinion about companies extracting spring water for bottled water sales? Does that affect your farm in any way?
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31 +
How is the government involved with farming? (Local, state, and federal?)
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What are the bare minimum requirements for plants to grow?
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What is the best part/your favorite part of your job?
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What is the most difficult part of your job?
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What would happen in a world without farmers? Do we have enough farmers? How can we get more students to pursue agricultural careers?
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41 +
What advice would you have for a student who wants to start a career in agriculture? What if the student had little/no experience with it so far?


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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