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  1. MPST - American Phytopathological Society

    11 Jul 2019

    The Master Plant Science Team is designed to provide compensation for 1 graduate student or post-doctoral researcher who makes a substantial contribution as an online scientist mentor. To support your extra efforts, there are extra benefits and support systems.

  2. Mentor Tip Sheet - Pollen and Pollination

    30 Aug 2018

    The purpose of this tip sheet is to help you as a scientist mentor anticipate and respond to students as they post online about their pollen and pollinator investigations.

  3. MPST - The American Society of Agronomy/Crop Science Society of America/Soil Science Society of America

    04 May 2018 | Mentor Resources

    The Master Plant Science Team is designed to provide compensation for a cohort of graduate students who make a substantial contribution as an online scientist mentor. To support your extra efforts, there are extra bene ts and support systems.

  4. Managing multiple classrooms as a Liaison (or as a Mentor)

    10 Jan 2017 | Mentor Resources

    Some tips for how to organize, schedule and communicate when dealing with multiple teams, schools and teachers!

  5. Class Overview Template

    03 Jan 2017 | Teacher Resources

    Please use this template to provide information to potential mentors for your classroom. Answer the prompts in this template, then copy and paste the whole text into the group overview. This will help mentors you invite to your group (i.e., invite to mentor one of your project...

  6. Student Roster Template

    03 Jan 2017 | Teacher Resources

    This is the template for teachers to complete and upload to the website - in the "Students" tab, in the "Projects" tab, in the classroom group.Please be aware:Only input students' first names, passwords and team assignments (e.g., 1, 2, 3, etc.).All passwords can be...

  7. MPST - Ecological Society of America

    21 Jul 2016 | Mentor Resources

    The Master Plant Science Team is designed to provide compensation for a cohort of 5 graduate students who make a substantial contribution as an online scientist mentor. To support your extra efforts, there are extra bene ts and support systems.

  8. MPST - Canadian Botanical Association

    21 Jul 2016 | Mentor Resources

    The Master Plant Science Team is designed to provide compensation for a cohort of 5 graduate students and post-doctoral researchers who make a substantial contribution as an online scientist mentor. To support your extra efforts, there are extra bene ts and support systems.

  9. MPST - American Society of Plant Biologists

    21 Jul 2016 | Mentor Resources

    The Master Plant Science Team is designed to provide compensation for a cohort of 12 graduate students and postdocs who make a substantial contribution as an online scientist mentor. To support their extra efforts, there are extra benefits and support systems.

  10. MPST - Botanical Society of America

    21 Jul 2016 | Mentor Resources

    The Master Plant Science Team is designed to provide compensation for a cohort of 20 graduate students and post-doctoral researchers who make a substantial contribution as an online scientist mentor. To support your extra efforts, there are extra benefits and support systems.

  11. C-Fern Module - Mentor's Tip Sheet

    16 Jun 2016 | Mentor Resources

    The purpose of this tip sheet is to help you as a scientist mentor anticipate and respond to students as they post online about their C-Fern® investigations.

  12. Celery Challenge - Mentor Tip Sheet

    16 Jun 2016 | Mentor Resources

    The purpose of this tip sheet is to help you as a scientist mentor anticipate and respond to students as they post online about their investigations on how water moves through plants, using celery.

  13. The Power of Sunlight - Student's Guide

    25 May 2016 | Student Resources

    In this module, you will join a research team to ask questions about photosynthesis and cellular respiration, then carry out experiments to help answer these questions. You’ll create a team blog where you’ll post your ideas and share your data with a plant biologist, and share what...

  14. The Power of Sunlight - Mentor Tip Sheet

    25 May 2016 | Mentor Resources

    The purpose of this tip sheet is to help you as a scientist mentor anticipate and respond to students as they post online about their photosynthesis &/or respiration investigations.

  15. The Power of Sunlight - Mentor Tip Sheet

    25 May 2016 | Mentor Resources

    The purpose of this tip sheet is to help you as a scientist mentor anticipate and respond to students as they post online about their photosynthesis &/or respiration investigations.

  16. PlantingScience College Consent Form

    19 May 2016 | Teacher Resources

    This form needs to be completed for each college-age participant in a PlantingScience module. Signing this form grants PlantingScience the ability to use images and videos from student projects.

  17. PlantingScience K-12 Consent Form

    19 May 2016 | Teacher Resources

    This form needs to be completed for each student participating in the PlantingScience online community.****Parental consent MUST be obtained for students 13 years of age and under.**Parental consent is NOT necessary for students over 13 years of age, and the students will need to...

  18. Letter for School Authority to Sign

    19 May 2016 | Teacher Resources

    **For schools in the United States ONLY**Containing information on the PlantingScience online community, this letter is to be sent to main authority for your school or school district. In this letter we describe how secondary school teachers, students, and plant scientists work together in...

  19. The Wonder of Seeds - Mentor Tip Sheet

    19 May 2016 | Mentor Resources | Contributor(s): plantingscience

    The purpose of this tip sheet is to help you as a scientist mentor anticipate and respond to students as they post online about their germination and seedling growth investigations.

  20. The Wonder of Seeds - Mentor Tip Sheet

    19 May 2016 | Mentor Resources

    The purpose of this tip sheet is to help you as a scientist mentor anticipate and respond to students as they post online about their germination and seedling growth investigations.

  21. The Wonder of Seeds - Student's Guide

    17 May 2016 | Student Resources | Contributor(s): plantingscience

    Investigations in Germination & Plant Growth

  22. Teacher Handbook

    09 May 2016 | Teacher Resources

    Use this handbook to learn about PlantingScience and how to use it most effectively. Further, a review of this FREE resource from the National Academy of Sciences - Decoding Science - is a fantastic review of what science IS and what it means to DO science.

  23. Storyboard

    09 May 2016 | Teacher Resources

    Storyboarding consolidates evidence so students can consider how their data fits into their models. By sharing their stories and allowing others to question their conclusions, students learn to reconcile evidence as scientists do. This is sometimes referred to as scientific thinking.

  24. Using Microscopes

    09 May 2016 | Teacher Resources

    Using MicroscopesOne of the ways that technology has boosted science is by helping researchers observe objects that are normally too small or too far away to see. You won’t be using telescopes or binoculars to study plants, but microscopes can help you explore the cellular world. You...

  25. Imaging Technology

    09 May 2016 | Teacher Resources

    Imaging TechnologyIt is easy to know what to write in your lab notebook when making quantitative measurements. For instance, you simply record the reading from a balance when measuring plant mass. Still, science also involves collecting qualitative data. What is the best way to describe data...


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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