Planting Science - Projects: smsramigfall2022 project 5
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smsramigfall2022 project 5

Project by group smsramigfall2022


Explore My team and I don't know anything about mustard seeds outside of school except the fact that they make mustard because they don't grow in our area. We have discovered that Mustard seed grow in dark and cool areas.
Research Question We wanted to test light on the mustard seed. We came up with questions by observing the plants. It fits because we know plants need light to do photosynthesis.
Predictions If we test how much sunlight each of our mustard plants will receive full sun, partial sun, no sun, the the plant in full sun will grow the tallest(mm.)
Experimental Design Our plan is to cut 3 two liters in half. Next, we would put dirt in the top and water in the bottom. The variables we will test is one plant in full sun one if partial sun and one in no sun at all. We will measure and observe the germinated seeds. The variables we will keep constant is the amount...
Conclusion The claim that we had was that we learned how mustard seeds grew. The hypothesis '' If 10 mustard seeds are planted in three different soda bottles with different amounts of sun will grow the tallest", was supported in the experiment. Evidence showed that plants a (full sunlight) grew the tallest...
About this Project The mentor and students had a great discussion about expected results! - Elizabeth Scott, Scientist Liaison


Get to know your team’s scientist mentor, who will encourage and guide you through the scientific process of discovery. The more you share your ideas and research info, the more your mentor can help. You may also hear from a scientist mentor liaison who will be helping all the teams in your class.
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Matthew T
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Matthew T
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Matthew T
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Matthew T
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Andrew T
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Matthew T
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Matthew T
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Andrew T
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Nancy Ramig
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Nancy Ramig
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Andrew T
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Andrew T
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Matthew T
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Matthew T
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Matthew T
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Matthew T
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Matthew T
uploaded Screenshot 2022-11-10 7.23.55 AM.png in project files
    Elaine Marie George

    Matthew T.,

    Thank you for sharing the screenshot information!

    Ms. George

Dear Mrs. George,
thank you so much for being our mentor. We really enjoyed working with you and we would love to do it again. Thank you for answering all of our questions and helping us grow our mustard seeds. Sadly two out of the three plants died but one survived!
Team Pickles 'n Mustard
    Elaine Marie George


    I enjoyed working with you and Team Pickles 'n Mustard as well and I am glad to see that your mustard seed experiment went well.

    Ms. George


Dear Ms. George, 


The hypothesis '' If 10 mustard seeds are planted in three different soda bottles with different amounts of sun will grow the tallest", was supported in the experiment. Evidence showed that plants a (full sunlight) grew the tallest . In a future experiment the mustard seed soda bottle can have more water than before.

    Elaine Marie George


    That is a super accomplishment!  Confirming your hypothesis with the results is excellent!

    Ms George

Andrew T

Dear Mrs. George, 

These are our final observations

    In bottle A- Healthy plants that are green and have leaves

    In bottle B- The plants are drooping and are laying on the soil

    In bottle C- These plants are also drooping and are laying on the soil. It also has mold and fungus in it

    Elaine Marie George


    Appreciate the update on the plant growth in each light condition.

    The seeds in Bottle B and Bottle C were able to germinate but not grow to become healthy plants under the conditions.  Bottle C has white colored seedlings and now mold and fungus.  A previous question from you team was about the white color of the plants.  They need light to develop chloroplasts and chlorophyll in order to give the plants their green color.  Chlorophyll also, as you know. helps the plant utilize sunlight and water to grow as part of the photosynthetic process.  This may account for some of the mold and fungus in the bottle.

    Would you and your team do anything different in a future experiment?

    Ms. George


Dear Ms. George, 

In bottle A, we have 4 green plants growing. There are also a few leaves on each plant.

In bottle B, the plants are drooping. They are also little leaves growing on them.

In bottle C, there are droopy and white plants. There were also little tiny leaves. Some of them are laying on the soil. 

For your question, Maggie said that bottle c was in no sunlight. 

Also, a few days ago, bottle c was knocked over by an 8th grader during a robotics meeting.


    Elaine Marie George


    1) Is Bottle A in full sunlight?  

    2) Are you still watering the bottles?

    Your team is providing great information about the results of the plant experiment.  

    From what I understand from previous emails, Bottle C (no sunlight) produced sprouts first and produced more sprouts than the other bottles.  Once seeds sprout in the dark, they need sunlight to thrive.  

    When did the seeds in Bottles A and B sprout?  Was this at the same time as Bottle C?  It sounded like Bottle C sprouted before Bottles A and B.  The results are leading to more interesting conclusions.

    Ms. George


    Elaine Marie George


    Thank you for the information about your mustard plant experiment.  

    It seems like it was a success.

    Ms. George


Dear Mrs. George,

Could plant c be growing yellow because the chlorophyll is not developing how it does in usually does with regular plants?


    Elaine Marie George


    That is a great question!  Before i answer can you tell me which light condition that the seedling if from:  no sunlight, partial sunlight or full sunlight?  Also, were all of the seeds the same color when you put them in the growing container?  

    Ms. George



    Bottle C was in no sunlight.

    Elaine Marie George


    That could be true that there is no sunlight to promote chlorophyl develop,ent in the chloroplasts.  

    Ms. George

Andrew T

Dear Mrs. George,

The qualtitive properties of the plant that our team grew includes some sprouting seeds, there was not a lot of water at the bottom, the dirt was all wet, one of the sprouts was a different color then the other two sprouts, and the one that had no sunlight grew the most.


    Elaine Marie George


    I am glad to hear that you and the team had success growing the mustard seeds.  It is interesting to hear that there was a sprout with a different color.  Sometimes this happens because there is some variation in seed type and genetics or sometimes seeds originate from different places.  

    Now you can think about the main conclusions from the results of the mustard seed growth experiment.  Since you already have determined that the seeds germinated better in the dark conditions you can summarize the details for the conditions:  1) no sunlight; 2) partial sunlight; and 3) full sunlight.  The only other questions that I would have is the number of days for each group to germinate and whether the amount of water used was the same for each group.

    Ms. George

Dear Mrs. George,
we have 3 plants. One with full sun, one with partial sun, and one with no sun. Why is the one with no sun growing the most and the one with full sun growing the least?
Please get back to me on this,
    Elaine Marie George


    Good question?  So you already have sprouts?  

    Some plant seeds germinate better in the dark rather than when in the direct sunlight.  Mustard seeds also germinate better in cooler temperatures and with less sunlight.  How are the seeds doing in the third container which you placed under the window with less sunlight?  

    Ms. George

uploaded IMG_20221019_124502.jpg in project files

Displaying IMG_20221019_124502.jpg

    Elaine Marie George


    I cannot view the jpg plant photo that you posted.  

    Ms. George


Dear Ms. George,

    As you probably have heard, we started planting our seeds in three different containers with ten seeds in each container.  We looked at them today, but we did not find any sprouts.  We also have a couple questions about our experiment.  Our first question is, do you know how long it will take to grow mustard plants?  Our second question is, if we have ten seeds in each plant, will there be ten plants, or will there only be one plant?  Our final question is, do you know how much sunlight a mustard seed needs to germinate?

We hope to here from you soon.

    Elaine Marie George


    1) The mustard seeds usually require 7-10 days to germinate/sprout.  

    2)  It is possible that not all of the seeds in the container will sprout.  Some seeds may sprout faster than others.  You can calculate a percentage once you know that most of the seeds have sprouted.  For example, if 5 of the 10 sees sprout you have a 50% seed germination.  If all 10 seeds sprout then you have 100% seed germination.  (Calculation - Number of seeds that sprout / Total number of seeds in container (10).  To answer your question, each seed will be 1 individual plant.

    3)  Your experiment results should tell you what is the best amount of sunlight for the mustard seeds.  Some types of plant seeds can grow in different light conditions. 

    Ms. George


Dear, Ms. George, 

    Our Qualitative observations are there is white cloth in plant a, there is black planting soil in plant b, and there are big chunks of soil in plant c.  

    Elaine Marie George


    Sounds good!  How often are you watering the plant container?

    Ms. George

Andrew T

We planted today, one is by the window in full sun, one is under the window, and one is in a cabinet.

    Elaine Marie George


    Keep me posted on the mustard seed germination and growth!

    Ms. George

John S. Bennett
joined the project

Dear, Ms. George, 

    Our Qualitative observations are, there is white cloth in plant a, there is black planting soil in plant b, and there are big chunks of soil in plant c.  

Andrew T

Dear, Ms. George,

    Our hypothesis is if we change how much sunlight we use to grow our plant then, full sun will grow the tallest.

Independent Variable- Sunlight

Dependent Variable- growth in cm.

Controlled variable- Same amount of water, soil kind, no fertilizer, amount of soil, color of bottle, and type of seed


    Elaine Marie George


    Your hypothesis and the organization of the variables is well done.  Keeping

    the water, soil and lack of fertilizer amendments controlled should produce 

    some interesting results.

    Ms. George

Matthew T

Dear Ms.George,

WE are team pickles n' mustard from St.Michael School in Orland Park IL. On our team we have Maggie, Kate ,Matthew, Clela, and Andrew. Two things we want to learn are how much sunlight and water the mustard plant needs. To test the sunlight we can put one bottle in full sun, another in partical sun, and the last in no sun. We will test out the water by watering one every day, one every other day, and one every three days.

    Elaine Marie George

    Hi Team,

    I am glad to hear from you and learn about your project.  

    Look forward to seeing your results.

    Ms. George

Elaine Marie George
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Andrew T
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Matthew T
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Nancy Ramig
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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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