Planting Science - Projects: fchslashspring2019 project 7
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fchslashspring2019 project 7

Project by group fchslashspring2019

Explore Plants are a very big part of our existence as we know it. Plants provide us with food, oxygen, and something pretty to look at. We have discovered in class that there are many different plants in the world. They are all different, but yet the same in so many ways. Questions: ~What plants are beneficial to human consumption? ~What plants aren't healthy for human consumption?
Research Question What is the different amounts of pollen in the atmosphere?
Predictions If we put our pollen traps up higher, then we will collect more pollen.
Experimental Design Our independent variable would be how high we put our traps. The dependent variable would be how much pollen we collect. Our general procedure for our data collection would be 3 different traps. We will set the pollen traps in our football stadium during our second block class. One pollen trap will be sat at the lowest, highest, and middle point. We will count the pollen grains by putting our findings under the microscope and count. In order to count each pollen grain, we will look at it at 100x magnification.
Investigation Theme POL
Grade Level High School Students (Grades 9,10,11,12)
Session Spring 2019
About this Project

The students in this project were very excited about flowers, once they learned about the parts. They greatly improved their microscopy skills and collected and studied many of the flowers they encountered. They went above and beyond the minimal requirements, and they were always engaged in some research in class. This team found personal relevance in the project. They could no longer walk past flowers and not study them. They knew the structures and the importance of the structures. They didn't see wildflowers as weeds anymore, rather, flowers that needed to be studied under the scope.
-- Frances Lash, Teacher


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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