Planting Science - Projects: fried chicken
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fried chicken

Project by group dmsgrayfall2022

Explore Photosynthetic disruption is determined by the amount of mud on the leaves. Additionally, mud in the soil can cause fungal growth and plant deterioration. After flooding, rain can help remove the mud by washing it off. One corn disease that can develop from saturated soil is Crazy Top 2.Corn plants use large quantities of nitrogen Nitrogen to grow and yield. Corn removes 1 pound of nitrogen for every bushel of grain produced. Therefore, a 250 bushel per acre yield goal requires 250 pounds of nitrogen available to be used by your growing corn plants. 3.One of the most critical steps in determining yield potential is sinking. Blister - About 12 days after sinking, silks darken and dry out.Milk - About 20 days after sinking, kernels are yellow and clear fluid turns milky white as starch accumulates. 4.tests indicate that planting two genetically different corn hybrids in the same field can raise yields and increase protein content. ARS scientists say that's due to cross-pollination.
Research Question Will muddy soil help a corn seed grow and it it is better then normal soil.
Predictions muddy soil will support a corn seed better then normal soil will because the muddy soil has more water then the normal soil.
Experimental Design Our plan is that muddy soil will be able to support a corn seed life cycle more than regular soil can. some of the variables we will be measuring the height of the plant and how well it grows and the variables we will try to keep constant is how much dirt we put in the cup were we will put regular and muddy soil.In a note book we would try to measure right on the dot and we will keep the records in our science outdoors note books.
Conclusion muddy soil did not help a corn seed grow out of 9 plant only 2 grew the other one just grow mold and did not grow after they drown from the muddy water.
Investigation Theme AFW
Teacher Name Evelyn Gray
School Name DeWitt Middle School
Session Spring 2022


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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