About this Project: The students showed great interest in developing the experiment, were curious about the results, asked good questions about factors taht can influence on the experiments, and were always looking for ways to get better and improve their experiment. -- Gabriela Hernandes Villani, Mentor
This team did a great job despite their scientist mentor not participating. The liaison, Gabriella, stepped in to respond to the students questions and investigations. They kept a positive attitude and were even more determined to be successful. During their experiment they wanted to test how the different pigments affected photosynthesis and based on their exploration with chromatography they redefined their question to the lack of pigment on leaves affecting the rate of photosynthesis. -- Michele Piatt, Teacher
Teacher: Michele Piatt
School Name: Charleroi Area Middle/High School
Investigation Theme: The Power of Sunlight (photosynthesis and respiration)
Session: Fall 2023
Student Level(s): High School Students (Grades 9,10,11,12)