Planting Science - Projects: Mullet Mafia
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Mullet Mafia

Project by group whsthompsonposfall2023

Explore Plants are reproduce and make their own food. Known as producers, making them one of the lowest level on the food chain. However, they are fascinating to know how they function.
Research Question We are studying that if we change the type of light, would it affect how photosynthesis was carried out?
Predictions We think the normal lights wouldn't affect how photosynthesis was carried out, but how fast it takes for it to take place. However, we predicted that since the green light would be given to the plant that it would affect something the in process along the way in photosynthesis.
Experimental Design We got 10 leaf disks in 3 different cups and got all the oxygen out of them with syringes. Put them in water with baking soda, and diluted soap (to break water tension). We put each each cup under a different light. A regular light (control group), a growing light, and a regular light with a green film over so it would produce green light to the disks.
Conclusion The outcome of our experiment was not ow we expected. No matter what type of light was given off to the plants, photosynthesis was still carried out. The only really odd thing was the color of the disks changed due to the growing light. With some help from our mentor, we learned that to much high radiated light can cause stress to the plants stripping their pigment. Overall, we learned that as long as you give plants a good amount of light, photosynthesis will be carried out.
Investigation Theme POS
Grade Level High School Students (Grades 9,10,11,12)
Teacher Name Holly Thompson
School Name Westlake High School
Session Fall 2023
About this Project This group has been engaged in communication including introductions and requesting feedback on their experimental design. They have also been trying to make sense of their findings and making good observations that allow me as a liaison/mentor to help them while also asking them follow up questions to help them think more critically. -- Janet Mansaray, Liaison



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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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