Planting Science - Projects: Seedlings
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Project by group svhspererafall2021

Explore We know that plants need a steady system of watering, sunlight, and etc. to live and grow healthy. We have learned about seeds and how they function. We've also learned about leaves and things like how to tell the difference between a monocot and dicot leaf. We also know that plants use photosynthesis as well to grow. We've also learned about different ways to test seed germination. We also learned in middle school about getting valid results and altering no more than one factor at a time to test the plant or seed and get a better and more accurate result.
Research Question Does the room temperature affect germination rate?
Predictions We believe the seed in the cooler location will stop growing/it will die. We also believe the one in the warmer location on the heating pad might grow bigger than the cooler one. The room temperature seed might be the only one that will grow better/bigger than the other two seeds.
Experimental Design We plan to put one seed inside of a cooler environment like a fridge or some place that can represent cool, outside air. We will also put another seed in a warmer temperature area on a heating pad. The last seed we will put in a room temperature area and we will observe. These are our variables that we will change in our project. We will record our data in a chart/data table and it will show how each seed is growing by day and how well it is growing. We will closely measure the differences each environment has on each seed. Our steps are 1. Place seeds in the three different environments. 2. Add water to seeds 3. Observe each seed closely 4. Measure seeds with rulers and thermometers 5. Record observations/findings.
Conclusion We came up with the conclusion that our seeds that were on the heating pad did not germinate as well compared to the seeds off of the heating pad. I think this is because there was too much heat and the seeds couldn't handle it. This shows that seeds only need a medium of water, light, and oxygen to germinate.
Investigation Theme WOS
Grade Level High School Students (Grades 9,10,11,12)
Teacher Name Hemamali Perera
School Name Sierra Vista High School
Session Fall 2021


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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