Planting Science - Projects: shscasesweeneyposfall2021 project 9
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shscasesweeneyposfall2021 project 9

Project by group shscasesweeneyposfall2021

Explore We know that plants need photosynthesis in order to grow.
Research Question We want to test whether or not colored light will affect the growth rate of a plant.
Predictions The rate of germination will increase under Red light
Experimental Design Our plan is to take seeds that germinate fast and put it under different colors of light and measure if the rate of germination changes between them all. 1. Put seeds in a wet paper towel and put them in different colors of light. 2. Measure the rate of growth between the seeds. 3. After a week observe the root growth and leaf growth and color of the plants. 11/19 So far what we have seen is that our seeds haven't sprouted or grown any roots however photosynthesis is taking place due to the air bubbles that you can see in the bag and one of our control seeds has a new color to it.
Conclusion The claim that we can make is that under different colors of light the rate of germination will increase. After 2 weeks we can conclude that the color of light does effect the rate of germination by seeing that the plants have sprouted and the colors of the seeds themselves have changed. And the plant itself also comes in darker colors of green. And we can continue the experiment to the actual bell peppers growing and seeing if the peppers colors will change under the different colors of light. To make this experiment better we can repeat it to validate our results.
Investigation Theme POS
Grade Level High School Students (Grades 9,10,11,12)
Teacher Name Carla Case-Sweeney
School Name Santaluces High School
Session Fall 2021
About this Project This is a star project too!


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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