Planting Science - Projects: The Effect of Different Amounts of Fertilizer on the Growth of Brassica Rapa
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The Effect of Different Amounts of Fertilizer...

Project by group pbchsbartenslagerspring2022

Explore They are asexual, they are the most diverse species. We've discovered that these plants grow incredibly fast. They also have two separate genes for pigment either making the stem purple or green.
Research Question Does the amount of fertilizer affect plant growth, Mr.Bartenslager gave to us. Fertilizer is what give the plant nutrient, if we increase, or restrict it would it makes big effects.
Predictions They more we increase what's in the fertilizer the fast and better the plant would grow, compared to restricting it
Experimental Design Get 8, 16 ounce bottles 1) Remove the labels on each bottle 2) Draw a line 1 cm below the shoulder rim. Save both parts 3) Cut each bottle on the marked cutting rings 4) Drill holes in the bottle caps using a drill press 5) Cut one wick for each bottle 4-5" long 6) Assemble the system with the top inverted like a funnel. The bottle cap with water wick is seated in the bottle reservoir that will hold the water and nutrients. 7) Pour 48 seeds on a piece of clear tape 8) Put 6 pellets in 4 of the bottles and 24 into the other 4 9) Make a 50:50 mix of Vermiculite and commercial seedling starter planting mix 10) Use a table spoon to distribute the Vermiculite 11) Assemble the Bottle Growing system as shown , with the top inverted like a funnel. The bottle cap with the water wick is seated in the bottle reservoir that will hold water and nutrients. Identify which bottles will have high and low nutrients levels, and label top of plastic with Sharpie. 13) Fill the bottle with root media. First, add 5 heaping tablespoons (~100 cc) of Vermiculite ( preferred) or Perlite. 14) Add Osmocote pellets: 6 pellets in the low nutrient
Investigation Theme BRASSICA
Grade Level High School Students (Grades 9,10,11,12)
Teacher Name William Bartenslager
School Name Palm Beach Central High School
Session Spring 2022


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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