Planting Science - Projects: Super Seeds
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Super Seeds

Project by group nsbuzzellfall2021

Explore We know some things about plants, here are just a few of them. We know that lilacs take 3-4 years to grow or even 6-7 years to grow. We also know that strawberries have around 200 seeds in them. Finally, we know that asparagus takes 2-4 years before it can be eaten. Even though we know some stuff about plants, we actually have a question or two. The question that we want to ask you is, what is the oldest recorded plant ever?
Research Question How would plants react to different amounts of sunlight?
Predictions We think if the corn get 24 hrs of sunlight then it won't do as well. The corn that is in a box 24 Hrs it won't grow at all. If we put corn in the light for 1 hr it will grow very little and inf the corn is getting light for one school day ( 6 hrs) will grow good.
Experimental Design So in our experimental design, we are going to have 3 pots per treatment, totaling 12 pots, and seeds for the experiment. Step 1: We are going to put ¾ cup of soil in each pot and then pat it down. Step 2: We are going to put 1 seed in each of the 12 pots. Step 3: We will set the seeds under the growing lamp for a specific amount of time, 3 will have no sunlight, 3 will have 1 hour of sunlight, 3 will have 6 hours of sunlight, and 3 will have 24hrs of sunlight. Step 4: After the plants have been put under the lamp for their specific time they will be covered with a cardboard box so they will attract no sunlight. Step 5: We will water the plants 1 inch of water every week with a watering can, ½ inch on Tuesday and Friday. Step 6: Every Monday we will measure how tall the plants grew in centimeters. This is our experimental design.
Conclusion In our experiment, we were trying to determine how plants would grow under different amounts of sunlight. We would give a plant 0hrs, 1hr, 24hrs, and the control plant that we left on the windowsill all day. We noticed that the plants that were getting less sunlight started to die sooner and droop down, they were also a pale white with a greenish tint to them. The healthier ones however were mainly growing straight and tall and got a maroon stem. The sunlight is not providing as much energy to the 0 hour and 1-hour plants but they still sprouted they were just a very white tinted green.
Investigation Theme WOS
Teacher Name Rebecca Buzzell
School Name Nottingham School
Session Fall 2021


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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