Planting Science - Projects: The Dark Four
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The Dark Four

Project by group msasdkesslerfall2018


Explore 10/30 - Radish seeds need a moist soil enviorment but you can't over water it. You need to water is every other day but you can't over water it. Watering it everyday can lead to the plant possibly dying. You also have to plant the seeds an inch to half an inch apart in order for the roots to...
Research Question For our independent variable, we are testing the amount of water that we put into our plants. We're going to see how the water is going to effect the plant growth. We think that a little more water will grow faster but if we add too much, that could kill it to. If we don't add enough water, that...
Predictions Working Hypothesis: If you water the pearl millet seeds a medium amount of water, then it will grow to its max height possible. Hypothesis: If we water the pearl millet seeds 40 mL of water, then it will grow to its maximum height.
Experimental Design 1. Germinate seeds using a paper towel, water, and a plastic bag and wait until tiny sprouts grow, water if necessary Germination Process Steps: 1. Take paper towel around 30-36 centimeters long. It depends on the bag size. 2. Fold it in half and put it in the bag. 3. Take 10 mL of water...
Conclusion Unfortunately, our hypothesis was not correct. But, that’s okay because a hypothesis will not always be correct. Turns out, the bottles with 60 mL did the best when we assumed it would be the 40 mL. We thought that 40 mL would be your “medium amount” of water but it turns out that 60 mL of water...
About this Project

The students of group 3 always try their best to explore scientific points and use to make predictions as per their observations.
-- Amina Yaqoob, Scientist Liaison


Get to know your team’s scientist mentor, who will encourage and guide you through the scientific process of discovery. The more you share your ideas and research info, the more your mentor can help. You may also hear from a scientist mentor liaison who will be helping all the teams in your class.
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Farewell and Best Wishes
As this research project is now in the final stages of wrapping-up, we wish to thank everyone who participated in this inquiry; the students, mentors, teachers and others behind the scenes. We appreciate all of your efforts and contributions to this online learning community.

Scientific exploration is a process of discovery that can be fun! There are many unanswered questions about plants just waiting for new scientists to consider, investigate, and share.

We will be archiving groups and projects on December 17, after which time new posts will not be able to be added. Please come back and visit the PlantingScience Project Gallery anytime to view this project in the future. You can search the Gallery by key word, team name, topic, or school name.

Good bye for now.
Warm regards,
The PlantingScience team
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Looks like you are in the final stages of your projects.
It’s great to see that teams from your school are wrapping up and posting conclusions. Enjoy the final stages of your project, and feel free to post any final comments or questions you have for your mentors.
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Amina Yaqoob

This is really meant a lot to me. This is morning here in Pakistan and i just woke up ... Reading your comments and compliments.... You really made my day. So sweet of you all. I couldn't explain how much i enjoyed with you all. The way you were investigating your observations and making predictions was marvelous. I also want to say a big thanks to all the stars of "the dark four" and your great teacher. You all are wonderful and amazing. I wish you all the brightest future ahead and many warm wishes for your Christmas. 

Keep on rising and shining and stay blessed. Love you all.

Good bye



    Thank you so much for all the help and advice with our planting project. Sorry that we could not take a picture of our plants. Our teacher recently mention that we were one of the "star groups" and I feel like that would not have happened if we hadn't got your support and mentoring. With all the advice on everything we really have strived and our plants have as well. We tried to do our best on this project and not only was it fun but we also got to meet a great mentor and scientist that helped us along the whole way. We will not forget you and all your help.

For the last time,


The Dark 4



Hi Amina, 

Our plant phase has officially finished. We aren't quite done with Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse and continuing to work on it for the next couple weeks. Our teacher recently told us that we were nominated for one of the best groups in Planting Science. We were one of the "Star Group Project" acording to our teacher. We just wanted to say thank you for all that you've helped us with and the advice you have gave us. You have been such a good mentor and so supportive. From all the adivce that you have gave us and the encouragment to keep going, we thank you. You influenced us to think deeper and go more into the investigation. Most importantly, you have been a good friend too. Thank you again for all you helped us through and with. This wouldn't have happened without you. We strived for greatness and surely got there. We probably won't be talking again but we just wanted to say bye and thank you. We can't express how thankful we are. Thank you again from The Dark 4. Bye. Hope you have a good Christmas and New Year. Live life to your greatest potential. We're always rooting for you and won't forget you! Bye now. 

For the last time,

- Kate

The Dark 4


I am thankful for all your help thanks again BYE:(



Hey Amina- I just wanted to say thanks for all the amazing advise on our project. I know that I didn't posted much but I just wanted to tell you that we are thankful that you helped us with our project and because we used your advice we are a star project thanks. Bye Aidan W.

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Amina Yaqoob

Sounds great, in conclusion, you consider 60 ml water supply to be an adequate amount. 

Kate, I want to see the images of your germinating plants.


    Sorry Amina, we already disposed our water bottles into the garden. We got rid of them a few days ago already. Sorry again. 

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Hi Amina,

Sorry we haven't been on for a long time. We had to get rid of the waterbottles and plant them on our garden. Our prediction originally was that 40 mL bottles would have the best results. We assumed that since the soil was moist, it would do the best. Turns out that the 60 mL bottles did better. We thought we were drowning the 60 mL but it turns out that we were just watering it too fast. We think that if we water the peral millet seeds a little more water than necessary, then it will grow better. The 60 mL also were the only plants that started sprouting leaves from the stems. We lost a few seeds from the other plants and they didn't grow leaves either. Our original hypothesis was wrong and turns out that the 60 mL would do better. 

Today we started talking about water filtration systems for surving the zombie apocolypse. We need to figure out how to filter water with sand, gravel, clay, a cheesecloth and cotton balls. We are learning the process of filtration and taking notes on it today. 

-The Dark 4

    Amina Yaqoob

    Thank you for the detailed updates.This is what we called research. The planting seeds now leading you towards learning of water filtration. 

    Also update the information in above columns of experimental hypothesis and design.


Hi Amina!

We're just giving you a heads up that we're back from break today. To answer your question, the 20 mL bottles didn't have as much growth. We assumed this because most days, the soil was really dry. We lost some plants and we actually don't know where they went. It's like they dissapeared. Do you have any idea what could have happened? It also happened with our 40 mL bottles. The 60 mL bottles did fine and did the best out of all of them. Thanks again.

- The Dark 4

    Amina Yaqoob

    Welcome back, I hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving break. 

    So, it seems like your seeds need an adequate amount of water to grow properly. When seed is not provided with proper amount of required water, it fails to germinate. See, in your case, seeds in bottle with 20ml water supply failed to germinate due to drought stress. Drought means the dryness of soil or absence of required water quantity.

    Can I have an image of these three experimental bottles. I would also like for you to make a prediction/ hypothesis on the basis of these results. 


Hi Amina,

Today is our last day. We've seen some really good growth but we might have to change our hypothesis because today, we actually saw more growth in the 60mL bottles. Today is also our last day at school. We're going to Thanksgiving Break next week and won't be on. Hope you have a good Thanksgiving!

- The Dark 4

Bye for now!

    Amina Yaqoob

    Sounds good. You' re making predictions on the basis of your observations. What about the growth of plant in 20 ml water supply. 

    Thank you for sweet wishes. Have a wonderful break. 



Just yesterday, we watered our plants and we noticed the 60 mL plants are literally drowning. The water didn't subdue very quickly and we're concerned that the plant is going to die. The 20 mL seems really dry but the 40 mL, the plants are thriving. We're just updating you on yesterday's observations. We'll update you again sometime today if there's any drastic change. 

-The Dark 4


Hey Amina!

So, we're on day 2 or 3 of our growth experiment. We have confirmed that most of our plant grwoth comes from the cups that we watered with 40 mL. The 20 mL seems really dry but the 60 mL seems too wet. The 40 mL seems just right. We've been trying to send a picture to you but we haven't quite found a way yet. A lot has changed since we planted them. We'll update you again tomorrow if we see a drastic change. 

- The Dark 4




So yesterday, we officially planted our seeds. We filled the water bottles with soil and put the seeds in. We watered each of them the assigned amount of water and left them out under the sun. Today, we saw a small growth in some of the plants. The bottles with 40 mL of water seemed to grow the most so far. We're missing a few of our sprouts from the 20 mL and the 60 but we are watering them again tomorrow. We skipped today. Do you think we should water them more since we'll be gone for a 3 day weekend? We don't want them to dry out or die for that matter. Thanks for the help. 

-The Dark 4

    Amina Yaqoob

    Sounds great. You got sprouts in bottles with 40 ml water supply. You are now going towards optimization of water quantity. If you think the soil will be dried out you can apply water in more quantity.


Hey Amina, 

Sorry, we haven't updated you sooner. Today we started germinating our seeds and setting up our experiment. It's just like the germination we did with our mystery seeds earlier this year. Turns out, our teacher lost the radish seeds somewhere so we have to start planting something else. I don't remember what it's called but I'll get back to you on that one. Our first official day is tomorrow. We'll update you tomorrow on the germination if there is any. Any tips on planting for us that could be useful? Thank you.

- The Dark 4


Yes, we are measuring the amount of water we are putting in. We have an idea on how to set this up and we'll try to attach a picture or something. Heres our brainstorm:

Trials: 5 radish seeds per waterbottle = 5 trials for each amount of water

Levels: 20 mL, 40 mL, 60 mL, - 3 bottles 

- Same amount of soil in each. 

- Water every other day with the different levels of water. 

Dependent Variable: The height of plant


- Soil

- Water bottles

- Water

- We'll continue adding more as we go.

- The Dark 4

    Amina Yaqoob

    sounds great. Looking forward to hear the further updates and pictures.

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    Kate and I just looked at the website you shared with us. It seems very interesting that people get so scared but never look into it farther and so they never found out that it was really just water labeled by a different name to scare the public. The scientist in the head department of making that name must of had a good laugh when everyone got scared but they never bothered to find out more about his new mysterious chemical that was quite fatal to humans.

-Astrid & Kate

    Amina Yaqoob

    mysterious chemical ;) 

    so what about the water quantity? are you measuring exactly, how much millilitre of water you are giving to each plant on daily basis? 

    I am loving the working hypothesis, you just updated recently. Keep on exploring facts of germination. Great going group three. :)

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Hi Amina,

We forgot to update you on Friday but we did figure out that DHMO or the chemical that our teacher put in front of us was just water. DHMO is just another word for water or H2O. We all believed it was an actual chemical and I did figure out that is will help plant growth but if you add too much, it could also kill it. Just another question, how would it exactly effect global warming? Thank you again.

-The Dark 4

    Amina Yaqoob

    It's pretty good. I was expecting this response. Yes, for sure, if “DHMO” means “dihydrogen monoxide”, then there is absolutely no difference between DHMO and water. The name “DHMO” is not used by working chemists; they say “H2O” or “water”. Some people call water “DHMO” as part of a hoax, often meant to show the public's misunderstanding, ignorance or mistrust of science

    I would like for you to visit this website


Hey Amina,

Another update. Our teacher recently put a chemical in front of us. We didn't know what it was until today. It's a chemical called DHMO or Dihydrogen Monoxide. We figured out that it's pretty dangerous and could potentially kill us. Our safety sheet says that we should be concerned about this chemical. It can be replaced as a steroid or a sport enhancing drug. It's also pretty concerning that they put this in a lot of our food sources including baby food, coffee, shampoo, deoderant, juices, soups etc. We were wondering if this will somehow effect plant growth or not? If it works like a steroid, will it enhance plant growth or kill it? 

- The Dark 4

    Amina Yaqoob

    Good question. Great to know that you're exploring the facts of DHMO. 

    DHMO is considered as dangerous and included among greenhouse gases, it contributes to global warming, can also contributes in soil erosion. Despite these factors, the risks of DHMO can be assessed and manged accordingly. If we just talk about its effect on plant growth, then you'll be wonder to hear that DHMO is being used by gardeners and researchers (doing research in genetically modified crops) for the development of plants as it helps plants in retaining their freshness and tenderness. I would like for you to find out the chemical and physical properties of DHMO, it'll give you a better understanding. 


Hey Amina,

Do you have any tips or ideas on how we can set up this experiment?

-The Dark 4

    Amina Yaqoob

    As you said, you're going to check for single parameter, "water effects on plant growth", keep the other conditions constant like equal quantity of soil in each germination set. The organic content of soil should also be the same for each experiment. Likewise, other parameters i.e. sunlight, temperature and air should also be constant.

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Amina Yaqoob

Great going "the Dark four" group. You can share the images too and can ask any question if you want.


    Definitely. We are officially starting up our experiment soon. We had to choose from water, sunlight or soil as our independent variable. Our group has chosen water and we are going to see how our plants grow with different amounts of water. Other groups are doing sunlight and others soil. We haven't found out much about our experiment et but I'me positive we will soon. 

    Today was our last day in checking out germination part of the experiment. We have seen a lot of growth since day 1. We'll continue catching you up if we make anymore progress. 

    -The Dark 4

Amina Yaqoob

have you designed an experiment? Love to hear an update!


    We have started germinating our seeds. On Wednesday, we put in our seeds. we didn't see any progress on Thursaday and then we went to our 3 day weekend. When we came back, all of our seeds have germinated and started growing stems and roots. The color has mostly drained out of mine. A few of ours has died during the process but we still have a lot left. The buckwheat definetly srated growing. Astrid is seeing a lot of process with her seeds. The seed covering has fallen off and she can kind of see the leaves forming now. Today is day 7 of our general experiment. We have seen a lot of progress in all seeds. The radish seeds in one of our classmates have started growing leaves and pushed out of the bag. We will continue updating you as we see more progress.

    - The Dark 4


Hey Amina, 

Just an update. We figured out which seeds we have today. I have the multi-color corn. Astrid has buckwheat. Aidan has sweet peas and JeoAngel has soybeans. Today was our first official day of germination and none of us saw any germination. There are some other kids in our class that had a small sprout but it was barely noticable. Most of our seeds started to fade in color and expand in size due to the moisture. 

-The Dark 4

    Amina Yaqoob

    Sounds great, you all are doing great job, dear "Dark 4". I must say, keep record of each and every practical step in your notebooks and take images of germination at periodic time intervals. Even starting from day one.You can ask any question or share the related information. 

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We don't know yet. He gave us mystery seeds and each of us have a different one. We're not sure which one we got.  

    Amina Yaqoob

    Wao the mystery seeds. This will be an exciting thing for you to explore the type of these seeds by enlist the characteristics of these seeds. like, color, size, shape, either two halves or not, mode of germination etc. 



Hi Amina,

We're starting seed germination tomorrow. The only materials we have are a plastic bag, water and a paper towel. Anything pro tips for us? What exactly does it do when you germinate?

-The Dark 4

    Amina Yaqoob

    Great to hear that you're going to start your work. What seeds do you select ?

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Amina Yaqoob

Hi Kate,

I started loving plants when I found peace and comfort during morning walks .... I often feel, plants are talking to me and saying me a warm HELLO...!! I, therefore, selected Plant biotechnology as my research area and it's always exciting for me to work in field. 

Besides research work, I use to spent my spare time with colors and canvas. I love painting, art work and drawing sketches. Most of the time, I make plants, leaves, trees and green paintings with theme of peace and hope. I also love to listen classic music while painting my canvas boards. 

Organizing various educational events is also one of my favorite activities. Recently, I have organized a one-day symposium on GM crops Biosafety issues at University of The Punjab where researchers and experts interacted with each other and share their views.

Amina Yaqoob

Hello project 3,

It's Amina Yaqoob there from University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. I am a gene player and working for the improvement of cotton plant fiber through genetic modifications. I am doing my PhD research work at Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology (CEMB) and planning to join the Plant cell walls group, University of Adelaide, Australia in upcoming months. My basic area of research is plant biotechnology and gene transformation.

I am a "Plant lover" and my favorite phrase is "there is no plant without life and no life without a plant". I regularly go for a morning walk not just for a healthy body but I actually love to listen the nature in the silence of Dawn. It seems like the rows of trees, throughout the jogging track, are talking with me and singing the melodious songs. Plants are the colors and the earth is the canvas. 

I'll serve there as your mentor and liaison. We'll surely have a very great time, learning from each other. This project is going to be a very exciting one. Be ready for all the adventures of gardening.  Looking forward to hear from all the rocking stars of this group.





    When did you start realizing that you were a plant lover or intrested in genetic modifications? Also, did you have any other hobbies growing up? -Kate 

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hi my name is JoeAngel I like basketball

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My name is Astrid. I am really excited to start this project with everyone and can't wait to correspond with you, Amina! 



Hi there. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Kate. I'm really excited to start this project with everyone and can't wait to see the outcome it will have.  

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My name is Aidan I am not the biggest fan of school like many other children. But I am really excited to work with every one on this project and I can not wait.

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Shawn Kessler
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Amina Yaqoob
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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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