Planting Science - Projects: GLCPS Cost Team 1
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GLCPS Cost Team 1

Project by group glcpscostfall2016project


Explore Work on this next!
What do we know about plants from our experiences outside of school? What have we discovered in class and background research? What questions about plants interest us?
Research Question What do we want to test or study? How did we come up with the question(s). How does the question fit what we know about the topic?
Predictions What are the possible outcomes of our study given the variables we are working with? What is our explanation for why and how we think this will happen?
Experimental Design What is our plan? Be sure to include enough detail that another group can replicate our experiment. What variables will we test? What variables will we measure and observe? What variables will we keep constant? How will we record our data?
Conclusion What claim can we make from our experiment? What are possible explanations for our results? How do the data we collected and our reasoning with scientific ideas support our claim? What future experiments could be done to expand on the results of this experiment?
About this Project


Get to know your team’s scientist mentor, who will encourage and guide you through the scientific process of discovery. The more you share your ideas and research info, the more your mentor can help. You may also hear from a scientist mentor liaison who will be helping all the teams in your class.
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Monica Borghi

Dear Jade, Sierra, Quinn and Bailey,

It has been a pleasure working with you.
I hope our roads will cross again in the future. 
Good luck with your studies!



Thank you for helping us with our plants, it was fun. 


Hi Monica, I am really glad that I got to get to know you. Thank you for helping me understand more about plants and answering my question. I had a great time meeting you via skype. I hope we get the chance to meet with you again. Thank you so much!   


Thank you for helping us on this project and helping us understand all of our questions we had. It's been fun 


Thank you for helping us on this project and helping us understand all of our questions we had. It's been fun 


We are starting a new project but this one was fun, I am glad you helped us. Goodbye :)


After a five day weekend only one of our plants survived. The seed that was in the dark and had water survived and the others dried out

    Monica Borghi

    Well, we were expecting all the plants without H2O to be dead by now. So, it went well.  

    As for the plants with H2O, I was expecting the plants in the light to be more healthy than those in the dark. What happened, I think, is that the heat produced by the light may have helped to dry out the H2O much faster than in absence of light. You used tin foil to make dark right? Because aluminum foil reflects light and heat, it could be that the plants in the dark survived simply because they had water.

    Does this make sense to you? 

Monica Borghi

Hi Bailey, Jade, Quinn, and Sierra,

as you are noticing H2O is essential for seeds to germinate and for plants to grow.

H2O softens the seed coat, penetrates inside the seeds and activates the enzymes that convert the seeds' reserves (sugars, lipids, and proteins) into energy, which is finally used by the embryo to grow. Alias, seeds come out of dormancy and germinate.

As the seedlings (= small plants that sprout from seeds) start to grow, they do need light and H2O. Why?

Do seeds without water will ever germinate?
In germplasm collections seeds are stored at low temperature and very dry conditions to prevent germination and increase seed longevity.

In other words, I doubt seeds without water will ever germinate unless there is enough humidity in the air around them and the temperature is sufficiently high to allow enzymatic activity.


How do plants without H2O do? They die, it's just matter of time
Any exception? resurrection plants!

How do plants with H2O/without light perform? The word "etiolated" means anything to you?


Cheers :)






Hi Monica, we have been working on our plant experiments and they are doing great! We have noticed that the two cups with water (Cups a and b) had a large amount of growth. This is because these two cups had water in them. Thanks to our conversation about a week ago we learned that water is an essential part of plant growth. Will the other plants without water ever grow?  


Over the weekend we watered A and B, A is in the light and B is not in the light. Coming to class today we saw that A was dry and B we wet still because B was not in the light. A and B also both grew. 


we left two of our four seeds over the weekend with water and one of the two without light and we noticed that the seed with water and no light grew more than the one with light and water and the other two without water and one of those two without light didnt grow at all


With our plant project only two of our seeds are growing and two still haven't  started to grow yet. The ones we are watering are the ones that began to grow. One has light and one doesn't have light. The other two plants do not get water and haven't grown 

Monica Borghi

Hi Bailey, Jade, Quinn, and Sierra,

it has been a pleasure to "virtually" meeting you all.

I hope you can enjoy science. Honestly, it takes time in the beginning because of that steep learning curve.
But if you have the perseverance to overcome those initial difficulties then it becomes a challenge with yourself only. 



Thank you so much for talking to us today, we really appreciate it!


Thank you for talking with us its a privilege to talk to a real scientist and have you help us :)


Thank you for video chatting us and giving us input on our lab and helping with how we got our results. I understand more about our lab and everything that is going on.


Hi Monica! Had a great time meeting you today! Thank you for answering our questions and I hope we can video chat again another time!


Hi Monica! I saw your photo in the files section and you were right, it does look really cool! Today we checked on some radish seeds that had been put under lights in plastic bags with damp cotton balls. It has been about 3 days since we started growing the seeds. some of us put our seeds in the light and some put them in the dark. My seeds, like I said were in the light. They grew way more than I expected. I had three seeds and two of them had long roots and small leaves that had fully come out of the shell. Today in class we all put them back on the scale to weigh them but ran out of time before we could get any final data. Tomorrow we will go back to  the University we visited Wednesday to do a sickle cell lab. 

    Monica Borghi

    Have fun at the University!  I guess we will be in touch again when you're all back to regular school hours. 

    Keep me updated with your activities!


Monica Borghi
uploaded Root stained with Fluorol Yellow 088.pdf in project files
    Monica Borghi

    Hi again. I just noticed that the root was not visible after I copied/pasted. So I made a little PDF file.

    Can you see it now?


Monica Borghi

Good morning Students!

It looks like you're learning a lot about macromolecules and how to detect them! You must have a lot of fun!

Have you tried to color beans? I wonder if they have more or fewer proteins than the salmon....

For my experiments, I have used a dye similar to Sudan IV  for lipids. But mine was called Fluorol Yellow 088. I used Fluorol Yellow 088 to stain suberin. Suberin is the bark of the oat tree and it is used to make bottle stoppers and coasters. Suberin is very high in lipids and it works as a rain coat for plants, so they do not loose water. For my experiments, I stained suberin from plant roots, which also have a lot of it.

I'm uploading a photo so you can see it. I think it is very cool this little glowing root. I first stained the root and then took a photograph under the microscope. Do you like it?






Hi Monica for the food experiment we used Benedict's Reagent for carbohydrates (sugar), Iodine for the carbohydrates (starch), Biuret Reagent for protein, and Sudan IV for protein. When tested on the foods (potatoes, Orange Juice, Almonds, Eggs, Salmon, and Milk) each food changed color depending on if it had a positive or negative reaction. We found out that potatoes have starch, Orange Juice has sugar, Almonds have protein and lipids, eggs have protein and lipid, Salmon has protein and lipids and lastly milk has sugar, protein and lipids.  

Monica Borghi

Hello Students!

I have heard that you're very busy running experiments and learning about macromolecules!

Quinn, do you remember the name of the chemical that you and Sierra used for the experiment with food? 
I'm curious to know more!



PS: have fun at the College lab!


Today Sierra and I did an online lab on different macromolecules and how they are tested with water and a chemical. For each chemical the water would change a different color. Later we used the colors we recorded down to see what different types of macromolecules are in foods. 


We are doing labs at a college facility so we will be in and out of communication for the week


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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