Planting Science - Projects: esusundbergfall2018 project 7
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esusundbergfall2018 project 7

Project by group esusundbergfall2018

Explore the reason the cell wall of the celery has its strength is because the vacuoles are pushing against the cell wall.
Research Question How can we make the celery bend the most? what causes the vacuoles to shrink and release tension on the cell wall?
Predictions The more dehydrated the celery is the more it will bend.
Experimental Design For this experiment we as a group have decided to test the molarity of salt solutions to see if this will make the celery bend more. We plan on leaving the celery in the salt solution for a total of a week, we will also be replacing the salt solution every day. We will not fully submerge the celery because we feel that the xylem and phloem will move the salt solution up the stalk.
Conclusion By the end of the experiment on day 9 both solutions of 0.8 and 1.0 reacted about the same, 0.8 solution had a bend of 13.6cm and solution 1.0 had a bend of 14.1cm. However solution 1.0 reached the bend a lot faster than the 0.8 solution. The celery that was in solution 0.6 did not have as much bend as the rest of the solutions. During the the experiment we could of got out measurements of 0.6 mixed up with 0.2 or 0.4 solutions. Also, our celery that was in the 0.8 solution had a small dent in the celery that could have caused it to bend more. In this experiment we thought that the 1.0mol of solution would have the most bend to the celery, But our data shows that the 0.8 solution had the best bend to it, then the 1.0 solution had the second best bend to it. our data also shows that there is only a 0.5cm differences in the bend between the two solutions, with this we can conclude that our hypothesis is not to far off. One observation we made was that the part of the celery that was in the solution was soft while the middle part of the celery was hard and the end of the celery was flimsy. from this observation we feel that if we had maybe fully submerged the celery in the solution we would have a better bend and the whole celery its self would have a consistency to the bend.
Investigation Theme CEL
Grade Level Undergraduate Students
School Name Emporia State University
Session Fall 2018


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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