Planting Science - Projects: Plants vs Zombies
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Plants vs Zombies

Project by group dmsstiemspring2022

Explore The Radical comes first also They go through photosynthesis which is the process where plants convert co2 into o2 and glucose . Some questions I have are how does the plant soak up the water when it is a seed. Also how does Cellular respiration which is we're the plant makes food for itself.
Research Question How will the different type of liquid affect how the plant grows.
Predictions We think water will germinate fastest, the Gatorade will germinate second and the apple juice, and vinegar will germinate the slowest.
Experimental Design We set the petri dishes on a flat surface. We set 4 pieces of folded up paper towel into the petri dishes we set 5 mustard seeds in per dish We put 4ml apple juice in 1 dish, 4ml vinegar in another dish, 4ml water in another, and 4ml gatorade in the last dish. We measure after we put the seeds in, then we check and measure every day.
Conclusion Claim: Water did the best. Resoning: Gaterade germinated the fastest with 5 seeds gernanated on the first day and at the end the average langeth for the apple juice was 13mm water had logest roots with 23mm average on the last day with 5 seeds germanated and vinager and apple juice did not do anything. Reasoning: they turned out like this because the vinegar has a bunch of bad things in it and apple juice has little to no hydration but lots of sugar in them ultimately leading them to never grow. However the Gatorade has lots of hydration in it so the plants can grow but not as fast as water. Then finally water has the most hydration there for making it grow the fastest showing the different liquid dose affect a plants growth.
Investigation Theme WOS
Teacher Name Kristen Stiem
School Name DeWitt Middle School
Session Spring 2022


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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