Planting Science - Projects: Angry Kiwifruit Dandelions
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Angry Kiwifruit Dandelions

Project by group dmsstiemspring2022

Explore Some seeds won't grow, germination goes into place. Seeds wait to germinate until they get these three things: Water, Temp., And good location. Seeds need germination for their growth. They have parts like radicle & cotyledon We got all of this from google
Research Question How does the type of liquid affect the seeds germination?
Predictions Some seeds will not grow and get moldy while others will. I think the one with the water will grow more because it is what it is usually watered with and it does not have carbonation in it. It supports our claim by seeing if the ones with sugar will mold and not grow. I think we could do the same again, but try to fix what we did wrong.
Experimental Design Independent Variable: The liquids Dependent Variable: length of the seed Variables to Control: amount of liquid Procedure: 1.) Put seeds in a plastic cap on a paper towel. 2.) Everyday take the specific amount of liquid and spray on each seed. 3.) Mesure how much it grows.
Conclusion The different type of liquid does affect the seeds growth. Evidence: I think the OJ grew 1cm because all the potassium slowed down the process, made it moldy and made it so the seed didn't take it in. THe diet Pepsi grew 5cm because 75% of it is carbonated water. When we used sparkling water I think the only thing affecting the seed was the flavor. The water grew 12cm because it is plants' normal drink in the wild/at home. The red bull grew 6cm and grew the second to last but it still did well and we don't know why. Reasoning: I think that our investigation plan didn't work out because the OJ had pure filtered water and premium concentrated OJ. THe seeds' tissue didn't like the OJ because the seed turned moldy and got overwatered. THe mustard seed liked the glucose in the spring water because it was the normal one. The water evaporated the orange juice so that is why it only grew 1cm.
Investigation Theme WOS
Teacher Name Kristen Stiem
School Name DeWitt Middle School
Session Spring 2022


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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