Planting Science - Projects: Bouncy Berries
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Bouncy Berries

Project by group dmsstiemfall2019

Explore Seeds need the correct location, water, and sunlight, and a temperature they can survive in. The germination process also varies depending on the type of seed.
Research Question How does the temperature of the area around a corn seed affect how fast it germinates.
Predictions If you raise the temperature around a corn seed, then it will germinate faster.
Experimental Design 1.)Take all of your corn seeds and place them in the refrigerator 2 days before your experiment. 2.)Rip off three small pieces of paper towel and get them slightly damp 3.)Place the pieces of paper towel inside three plastic bags 4.)Place 10 corn seeds in each plastic bag, and open the bags before setting them in the areas that they will be growing in 5.)Place one bag in the freezer, one in the fridge, and one in a cabinet 6.)Measure how large the roots and the codelton grow, and dampen the paper towels every other day
Conclusion Our seeds didn't germinate the 5 days that they were in the freezer, fridge, and cabinet. This could be because we didn't soak our seeds, we put them in the fridge for 2 days instead. Evidence: We couldn’t tell anything from the data. Reasoning: We didn’t expect this to happen. There could have been a number of reasons why our corn seeds didn’t germinate. The most likely answer is that our seeds didn’t germinate is because they didn’t get enough of the things they needed. Plants need a number of things to grow, including water, oxygen, CO2, sunlight, and the right location. Our plants didn’t get any sunlight, so they didn’t get enough energy to create glucose, and if a plant doesn’t have enough glucose, then it will germinate significantly slower. I don’t think this was a fair test because we didn’t get any results, and I think we could’ve improved our experiment by giving the seeds more of what they need to grow, and give the seeds more time to germinate.


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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