Planting Science - Projects: Primal Potatoes 1.0
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Primal Potatoes 1.0

Project by group dmsstiemfall2019

Explore Plants need to germinate to grow,& they need sunlight to grow. Seeds need a good location, water, and the right temperature to germinate.
Research Question How does the type of liquid effect how the seed germinates.
Predictions If you use other liquids like lemon water or sugar water, then the plant will grow less efficiently.
Experimental Design Step 1: Gather your materials/ 3 petri dishes/ 30 buckwheat seeds/ 3 liquids(lemon,sugar, and regular water) Step 2: Prepare your liquid with a half a tablespoon of lemon juice and sugar Step 3: Set up you seeds : paper towels in bottom of Petri Dish : 10 buckwheat seeds in a PD in even spacing : 5ml of sugar water in one, lemon water in another, and regular water in the last Step 4: Close container and place it on counter Step 5: Record how many days it takes the seeds to germinate under these conditions. Measure length in Mm
Conclusion laim: The water made the most plants germinate.Claim: If you use water to make Buckwheat seeds grow, then they will grow faster than if using another liquid. Evidence: The ones that were watered with regular water germinated quicker than the other liquid seeds. I know this because the watered seeds grew 9 out of ten in 4 days while it took the sugar water all 7 days to get the 9 of the 10 plants to grow. Reasoning: This happened because scientists state that water is a more efficient for helping plants grow than sugar and vinegar. Plants are living and living things need a LOT of chemical reactions. Also the water softens the shell so the plant can get energy and nutrients a lot quicker. If a plant has too much sugar, many microorganisms that are bad for the plant will grow. One reason that vinegar isn't good for the plants is because it is harmful for plants, it is even used in natural weed killer.


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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