Planting Science - Projects: dmssmithwosspring2023 project 17
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dmssmithwosspring2023 project 17

Project by group dmssmithwosspring2023

Explore We have all grown plants in the past like vegetables. We knew that plants grew from light energy and carbon dioxide. We discovered that seeds germinated in class and from background research we learned seeds are undeveloped plant embryos. A question we have is where does the seeds go when its done germinating.
Research Question How will other liquids affect the rate of germination? Will some die and others grow or will they all germinate? What will grow the fastest?
Predictions We had different predictions. We thought salt water wouldn't affect the plant's germination. We thought that Gatorade would grow fast because of the electrolytes. We thought Sprite wouldn't germinate and lastly, we thought fresh water would grow at a normal speed.
Experimental Design Our plan is to grab 10 seeds, 20 ml of Gatorade, 20 ml of Sprite, 1 and a half grams of Salt, 40 ml of Water, 4 paper towels, and four zip lock bags. Then we damp a paper towel with the liquid we use and place the seeds in the bags, also when adding the salt, we will add the salt to 20 ml of water. After that, we will wait till the next day and record the results, we do this for 2 weeks and see what happens.
Conclusion Water is the best option for germination and plant growth. Throughout the experiment water has helped with the germination process. Gatorade only helped the seed sprout, but never helped it grow any more. Salt water only made the seed grow bigger but never helped the growth at all. Sprite had molded the towel and seeds, but never helped the process in any way. Meaning water is approximately the best for germination.
Investigation Theme WOS
Teacher Name Wendy Smith
School Name DeWitt Middle School
Session Spring 2023


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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