Planting Science - Projects: Salty Sprouts
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Salty Sprouts

Project by group dmsgraywosspring2023

Explore We know lots of little things about plants. We know how they use photosynthesis, and we studied, in class, on how photosynthesis works. We researched plant cells, and many things about them, and how they grow and develop. We know that seeds already have a store of glucose in them to start growing, even before photosynthesis. That store of glucose helps them grow once they start germinating, untill it is time for them to do photosythesis.
Research Question Would a seed germinate better on a paper towel alone or with other seeds?
Predictions We think the seed will grow better alone because if the seeds grew together they would be fighting over space and water.
Experimental Design 1. soak 6 paper towels with about 6 millimeters of room temperature water. 2. put the paper towels in the Petri dishes 3. place 1 seed in three petri dishes and 5 seeds in 3 other petri dishes 4. check on the length of the sprout everyday 5. water seeds every day when they need water
Conclusion Claim: The cucumber seeds grow better together. Evidence: On day 5, 14 multiple seeds grew and only 4 grew for the single seeds. On day 2, all of the multiple seeds had germinated, while one of the single seeds had not. Reasoning: This shows that cucumber seeds grow better together than alone. Our single seeds didn’t seem to grow as much as the multiple seeds, but they still grew. There was hardly any size difference, but the single seeds seemed a little less healthy. Their leaves were a little less green while the multiple seeds were bright green. The single seeds may have gotten less water, so next time we will make sure they are watered an even amount just to be sure.
Investigation Theme WOS
Teacher Name Evelyn Gray
School Name DeWitt Middle School
Session Spring 2023


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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