Planting Science - Projects: ready set grow
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ready set grow

Project by group dmsgrayspring2021

Explore Plants need water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight to do photosynthesis so they can make their own food. They also do cellular respiration so they can produce energy. Some plants need more sunlight than others. Why do plants have a green pigment, why can't the chloroplasts be pink?
Research Question If we expose a plant to different amount of sunlight how would that affects the growth.
Predictions The more light that a plant's exposed to the better it's going to grow. I think that the seeds that will get 8 hours and or the seeds that will be put in the sun all the time will grow the most.
Experimental Design 1 - Put 3 seeds in between 2 wet paper towels. Give the paper towels 10-15 drops. Label the bag “Scheduled”. These will be the scheduled seeds. 2 - Put the 3 different seeds in a different bag in between 2 wet paper towels. Also give the paper towels 10-15 drops of water. Label the bag “Non-scheduled” These will be the non scheduled seeds. 3 - Mingze and Chris will do an additional bag that will be kept in the light all the time. And James and Mackenzie will do another bag that gets no light at all. Those bags will also get 10-15 drops of water, and will be in between the 2 paper towels. 3 - Put the scheduled seeds in the sunlight for 8 hours every day, then put it in a dark room. For example, Monday - 8 hours, Tuesday - 8 hours, Wednesday - 8 hours ect. 4 - Put the non scheduled seeds in a room and give it different amounts of sunlight every day. For example, Monday - 3 hours, Tuesday - 5 hours, Wednesday - 7 hours ect. 5 - At the end of each day measure the root and the whole plant/seed itself. (in cm)
Conclusion If a corn seed is exposed to lots of sunlight, then it won’t grow as quick because corn seeds don’t need lots of sunlight. The reason that the corn seeds grew better in the dark is because seeds don't need photosynthesis when they first start to germinate, they use their own food supplies because that is what they normally experience when they're buried underground. This also backs up our data, which shows the seeds in the dark grew better than the 8 hour of sunlight and the random amount of sunlight seeds. In the future we can have 40 people do it and every 10 people pick a different amount of time their seeds are exposed to sunlight.
Investigation Theme WOS
Teacher Name Evelyn Gray
School Name DeWitt Middle School
Session Spring 2021


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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