Planting Science - Projects: Nach Yo Cheese
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Nach Yo Cheese

Project by group dmsgrayspring2021

Explore We know that plants are a source in the world that make up most of our vegetation and ground. They create their own food through photosynthesis so that they can produce and grow. Most of our food chains come from plants. The can also go through Cellular Repsiration to create energy.
Research Question If we give a corn seed more water then will the root grow faster?
Predictions If we give a corn seed more water then the root will grow faster because water is required for photosynthesis so if a plant has more water then photosynthesis will be able to happen faster.
Experimental Design Variables: Independent Variable = Amount of water Dependent Variable = Corn seed Variables to Control = measurement, same petri dish, same type of seed Materials: 8 petri dishes, water, max amount corn seeds, ruler, pipette, paper towel Procedure: 1. Put a piece of paper towel in each petri dish 2.Put 5 corn seeds on each petri dish 3. Give petri dishes, 1 and 2, 0 pipettes of water each. 4. Give petri dishes, 3 and 4, .5 pipette of water each. 5. Give petri dish, 5 and 6, 1 pipettes of water each. 6. Give petri dishes, 7 and 8, 1.5 pipettes of water each. 7. Fold paper towel of each petri dish, enclosing the seed and leave them over night. 8. The next day, open each paper towel and measure the growth of each seed in centimeters using the ruler. 9. Record the data and repeat the process steps 7,8,9 for 4 nights and record final results on last day.
Conclusion Explanation: Claim: When you give a corn seed more water the root will grow longer. Evidence: On the first day of data collection (4th day of experiment) the seeds getting 0 pipettes of water was 0 cm. The seed getting 0.5 pipettes of water was an average of 0.54 cm. Then the seeds getting 1 pipette were 1.37 cm. Finally, the seeds getting 1.5 pipettes were an average of 2.3 cm. On the 7th day of the experiment the seeds getting 0 pipettes water were still all 0 cm. The seeds getting 0.5 pipettes of water were 1.7 cm long. The seeds’ roots that were getting 1 pipette were 2.82 cm on average. Lastly, the roots that got 1.5 pipettes of water were an average of 6.33 cm in length. Reasoning: Plants are made up of about 90% water. This means that giving a seed more water will contribute more to this 90%. Water travels up a plants stem and evaporates through the stomata, a part of the leaf. When the stomata opens it lets carbon dioxide. This CO2 is needed for photosynthesis. In addition, giving water to a seed hydrates enzymes in the seed which causes it to start using stored up energy to grow. This agrees with my prior knowledge because I knew that seeds needed water to grow but I still learned things. An example is that I never actually knew why seeds needed water. Now I know that the water energizes enzymes.
Investigation Theme WOS
Teacher Name Evelyn Gray
School Name DeWitt Middle School
Session Spring 2021


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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