Planting Science - Projects: Foundations of Genetics: Team Radish
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Foundations of Genetics: Team Radish

Project by group cmsmulcaheyspring2021

Explore Some things I now about plants outside of school, is that they need water, sunlight, and good soil to help them grow. In this biology class I have learned the inner workings of plants, and how they use photosynthesis to gain their energy. One question I have about plants is, how do underwater plants grow when they need sunlight?
Research Question Does the environment affect an organism, or is it genetic? Does the environment of an organism affect the organism, or is it based on genetics?
Predictions I think our variable of x2 fertilizer will grow more than the control because there is more fertilizer.
Experimental Design For our experimental design, we can grow 3 different sets of plants. There will be a control set and two other sets with changes to them. If all of the plants grow the same, we will know that it is based on genes. If the plants grow differently, we will know that it is based on the environment.
Conclusion 1. Are there advantages for a plant to have certain traits? There are advantages for plants to have certain traits. If some plants are taller and have wider leaves, they will be able to take in more sunlight than the other plants. 2. What are possible explanations for our results? The possible explanation for our results is the different variables that we used. The plants in bottle A had a normal amount of fertilizer, the plants in bottle B had 2x the amount of fertilizer as plant A, and for bottle C, we mixed the soil and the vermiculite. 3. The data we collected and our reasoning with scientific ideas support our claim because they show that certain traits can provide advantages for a plant. Also, if some plants have a better environment, they will grow better than plants in a bad environment. 4. We could run an experiment similar to this but instead of mustards seeds, we could try another plant. We could also use different variables in the experiment.
Investigation Theme BRASSICA
Grade Level High School Students (Grades 9,10,11,12)
Teacher Name Brian Mulcahey
School Name Catholic Memorial School
Session Spring 2021


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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