Planting Science - Projects: PS Group 8
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PS Group 8

Project by group camsdavisspring2021

Explore This week, my group and I have been working on researching and observing trees that have been growing around the area. We have included a PDF of our findings in the file tab in the folder titled Initial Observation: Week of Feb 22. We have observed that some trees in our area have grown to be very tall and appear to be very healthy while other trees on the other hand, have not had the opportunity to grow as tall and remain fairly short and unhealthy. We believe the difference in growth might be due to the conditions in which the trees are kept or the type of tree. We haven’t decided on what we want our experiment to be focused on yet but we were thinking of the idea of nature vs nurture and how that could apply to trees in the sense of why a tree grows to be the size it is; if tree growth is only due to the genetics of the tree or if the environment the tree is in plays a bigger roll.
Research Question How does the location of a tree affect biodiversity?
Predictions Residential areas will not have as much biodiversity compared to parks because outside factors should as people and noise cause animals to hide and leave the area.
Experimental Design *Complete experimental can be found in files * Variables Control group: Trees found in the forest Dependent variable: the biodiversity in the area Operant definition: Biodiversity: the variety of life near the trees which includes insects, birds, fugus, mammals, and other plant life. Independent variable: location of the tree: residential area recreational park Control Variables: the overall climate in which these different areas have, the time in which these trees are being observed, the temperature of the location of the trees to be similar when observing Confounding Variables: the type of tree observing can differ from location to location, tree species We will record our data through spreadsheets as well as have physical notes
Investigation Theme TREE
Grade Level High School Students (Grades 9,10,11,12)
Teacher Name Crystal Davis
School Name California Academy of Mathematics and Science
Session Spring 2021


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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