About this Project: Carter and Bryson worked diligently on their project involving dust and it's effects on photosynthesis gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. The project was relative to our area with their research question asking if dust affects the rate of photosynthesis when ATV's and other off road equipment frequent forest service roads in our area. They were careful to pick the correct plant and asked their mentor many questions during the experimental design along with how to represent their data. Evelyn was very helpful and they learned how statistical analysis works with the type of data they collected! -- Doree Thilmony, Teacher
Teacher: Doree Kathleen Thilmony
School Name: Thompson Falls High School
Investigation Theme: The Power of Sunlight (photosynthesis and respiration)
Session: Fall 2023
Student Level(s): High School Students (Grades 9,10,11,12)