About this Project: The Saucy Scientists worked very well together as a team. This team consisted of vary diverse learners and I saw leadership emerge. They tested something new, which was risky, and required a great deal more research. The students were very positive about the results, especially when the results did not go as predicted. They asked questions to their mentor and leaned a great deal about planning and carrying out an investigation and how to be more careful in that preparation. They reseached very well for the prediction and the results and were positive in explaining through their conclusion. They learned that enzymes also can control photosynthetic rates. They went beyond light, water, and carbon dioxide to stretch their thinking. -- Doree Thilmony, Teacher
I really liked their project idea of soil pH. With climate change, soil acidity will be in flux in certain areas. I thought this project had great real-world implications -- Josh Felton, Liaison
Teacher: Doree Kathleen Thilmony
School Name: Thompson Falls High School
Investigation Theme: The Power of Sunlight (photosynthesis and respiration)
Session: Fall 2023
Student Level(s): High School Students (Grades 9,10,11,12)