Planting Science - Projects: The Sneezeweeds
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The Sneezeweeds

Project by group mhsraminposfall2023


Explore We know that leaves fall in fall, and that when the sun is facing away from the (Northern) Hemisphere, the leaves turn red because of less sunlight reaching us. We have discovered that cellular respiration and photosynthesis are linked, as they feed into each other, and that cellular respiration...
Research Question Does being in a vacuum affect photosynthesis? We came up with this question by looking at available materials, and determining what we can actually test with said materials. This question fit what we knew by telling us that cellular respiration and photosynthesis are connected, but how connected...
Predictions We predict that throughout this experiment, photosynthesis will not be able to occur without air. Cellular respiration is connected to photosynthesis and without one the other cannot occur.
Experimental Design Does the amount of air affect photosynthesis? Hypothesis: If the amount of air is decreased, then photosynthesis cannot occur. IV: air pressure DV: acidity of BTB Constant: amount of light/water 1. cut the leaves into slivers 2. fill the flask full with correctly formulated BTB 3. put the...
Conclusion We have concluded that photosynthesis can still occur without air. There was enough carbon dioxide and oxygen that they could cancel each other out, and therefore no change in the results. The data we collected does not support our claim, as we discovered that photosynthesis did still occur in...
About this Project Does being in a vacuum affect Photosynthesis? These student creatively planned an experiment to answer this question. I was impressed with thier experimental design and their intelligent interpretation of result. They made conclusions based on obtained data and proposed an improved approach to...


Get to know your team’s scientist mentor, who will encourage and guide you through the scientific process of discovery. The more you share your ideas and research info, the more your mentor can help. You may also hear from a scientist mentor liaison who will be helping all the teams in your class.
PlantingScience Staff
joined the project
Simon Gunner

Thank you, Team, for all your hard work. It has been pleasure!


Thank you alot for taking time out of your day to check in with us! We appreciate all your feedback and comments on our biology work. We truly are grateful. Thank you!!!


Thank you scientist for taking time out of your very busy lives, to help us in class 


Harper said it so well. Thank you all so much for your help and support throughout this unit! I hope we get to do something like this again.


Thank you to the scientists that helped us so much throughout this journey. Your feedback was truly mind changing, and I hope to one day get the pleasure of working with you all again.

Kate Ramin
joined the project
Simon Gunner

Hi, Team — Great work conducting your experiment. A tricky thing to pull off, but I like how you guys went about it. And I'm glad to hear you reflecting on ways to improve the experiment.


Hey Simon!

We conducted our experiment, and we discovered that photosynthesis did actually occur in the flask. We also learned that the BTB did not actually change color because there was enough carbon dioxide and oxygen being produced for the cycle of cellular respiration and therefore photosynthesis to occur.

updated the project info
Simon Gunner

Hi, Team! There are many cues for deciduous trees to lose their leaves. Temperature and the number of daylight hours are among them. Can you guess how these two conditions change in the fall?

I would recommend not looking into "3. Does light color affect plant growth?". Unfortunately, it can be very tricky to isolate colors without special lights. Even color filters that only look like one color don't do a great job at removing all the other colors. And plants don't need much light of any color to be affected by it. But the other two experimental ideas sound really cool!

updated the project info
replaced project picture

Ok Simon, here is what we got for research questions.

  1. Does temperature affect the rate of cellular respiration?

      2. Does being in a vacuum affect photosynthesis?

      3. Does light color affect plant growth?

What do you think/how can we improve on these?

Simon Gunner

Thank you for the details, Team! Let me know your thoughts on a research question. I'll be here the whole way!


All of the cups had 5-7 seeds in them. We believe that the cup without water will not germinate, this is because in lesson 4; building on knowledge from others, like our experiemt there were three dishes with seeds, one without water, one without light, and one with both light and water. The one without water was the only one that didn't even sprout. Our group has just started writing research questions for our expeiriment.

Simon Gunner

Hi, Team. Thank you for explaining the set up of your newest science experiment to me! Would you let me know which cup you think won't germinate, and why? If any of you think the same cup won't germinate, you can a work together to send me a one note voting for that cup. I also wonder: How many seeds you have in each cup?


Hi Simon, we are currently doing a project that tests in what conditions seeds will grow. We have 3 cups, the first with soil in a coffee filer and the seeds on the outside of the coffee filter and then we pooped water into it. This will test if seeds can grow without soil. The second had no water but all the other variables. And the third also had all the variables but light, it was put into a dark closet.


I learned that plants go through both photosynthesis and cellular respiration. 


We all worked together in this new experiment and put the seeds outside of the soil and only watered two out of three cups. One is fully dry and in the sun, another is wet and in the sun, and lastly the final cup has water and is in a dark cabinet.


Hello! We are currently testing the conditions that seeds will sprout in. We have 3 cups: one that has access to light, and water, one that has access to no light with water, and one that has access to light with no water. All 3 cups have seeds that are separated from the soil by a coffee filter. Let's see what happens!

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    Simon Gunner

    Hi, Team! Looks like some science is happening!

Shan (PS Coordinator)
joined the project

Hi scientists!

We are currently starting an investigation about light and dark on plants.

updated the project info

Hello Team,

My name is Abdulkabir and I will serve as a liaison to ensure you have a great time conducting your projects. I will mostly act as a spectator but will surely watch closely to see the amazing stuff you will be doing with the guidance of your teacher and mentor.

I am currently doing research on plants and microbes interactions as part of my PhD in Germany. I love playing soccer and trying out different cuisines. I have read through your introductions and I am very excited by your interests.

It's great to see that you have kicked off with a great start. I am confident that you will do great things together. 

Have fun :)

joined the project
Simon Gunner

Hi, Team! What a great collection of plants you all bring to the table. Palm trees are synonymous with tropical vacations, but they also symbolize eternal life for some! I think cacti are really awesome, evolving their leaves into spines and their stems into green photosynthetic water reservoirs! Grape vines are beautiful, and folks in California have learned to graft wine grape vines onto our California grape species for the best-adapted roots to the land here. And I have used fresh leaves of my aloe plants many times for cuts and burns! I look forward to working with you all.


Hi I'm Harper, and my favorite plant is a aloe plant.


Hi I'm Jai, and my favorite plant is a grape vine

joined the project
joined the project

Ello Simon.


Hello my name is Ally!!!!! I really like cacti and anthurium. 


Hello! I'm Gerry, and I really like the palm trees. I really enjoy doing things on a computer, like playing Roblox and writing music in Sibelius.

joined the project
joined the project
Simon Gunner

Hello! I am Mr. Gunner, and I will be your scientist mentor for this project. I am excited to be working with you! Feel free to ask me questions and update me on whatever steps you are working on, so I can help.

I work outdoors in the San Francisco bay area, studying and protecting plants that grow in marshes. I think plants are awesome. Plants are our food, shelter, clothing, medicine, and they also look cool and do amazing things! 

So when you get online, please tell me:

1. Your first name
2. A plant you like 

Good luck with your project! I'll be here the whole way. Maybe you’ve already begun?

Simon Gunner
joined the project


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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