Planting Science - Projects: Browse
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Projects: Browse

WSU Team 10 Featured
wsulenkenyon10 WSU Team 10 public
Research Question: How do added organisms affect germination rate? We have...
Investigation Theme: The Wonder of Seeds (seed germination and growth)
wmacostspring2021 project 1 Featured
wmacostspring2021project1 wmacostspring2021 project 1 public
Research Question: Will the bean sprouts be able to grow in varied solutions...
Investigation Theme: The Wonder of Seeds (seed germination and growth)
wmacostfall2020 project 1 Featured
wmacostfall2020project1 wmacostfall2020 project 1 public
Investigation Theme: The Power of Sunlight (photosynthesis and respiration)
wmacostfall2019 project 4 Featured
wmacostfall2019project4 wmacostfall2019 project 4 public
Investigation Theme: The Power of Sunlight (photosynthesis and respiration)
wmacostfall2019 project 2 Featured
wmacostfall2019project2 wmacostfall2019 project 2 public
Investigation Theme: The Power of Sunlight (photosynthesis and respiration)
Wise Weed Whackers Featured
dmsstiemspring2021project1 Wise Weed Whackers public
Research Question: How does the amount of sugar in the water affect the rate of...
Investigation Theme: The Wonder of Seeds (seed germination and growth)
Wiggly Worms Featured
dmsgraywosspring2023project24 Wiggly Worms public
Research Question: What liquid is most efficient for seed germination?
Investigation Theme: The Wonder of Seeds (seed germination and growth)
whssweetspring2021 project 9 Featured
whssweetspring2021project9 whssweetspring2021 project 9 public
Research Question: what are the important steps from getting food from farm to...
Investigation Theme: Agronomy Feeds the World (where does food come from?)
we need some more thyme Featured
ossstephensspring2018project4 we need some more thyme public
Research Question: How do different types of soil affect the growth of seedlings?...
Investigation Theme: The Wonder of Seeds (seed germination and growth)
Watermelloons Featured
sffsmelmanspring2019project2 Watermelloons public
Research Question: What would contaminated water do to the germination of a seed?
Investigation Theme: The Wonder of Seeds (seed germination and growth)
Water Kingz Featured
dmsgrayspring2022project12 Water Kingz public
Research Question: how does the strength of light affect how fast the speed of...
Investigation Theme: The Wonder of Seeds (seed germination and growth)
vsnhsfrazerwosspring2024 project 3 Featured
vsnhsfrazerwosspring2024proj3 vsnhsfrazerwosspring2024 project 3 public
Research Question: Our group is interested in drought and its possible effects on...
Investigation Theme: The Wonder of Seeds (seed germination and growth)
vcsgeorgespring2020 project 1 Featured
vcsgeorgespring2020project1 vcsgeorgespring2020 project 1 public
Research Question: Does a hydroponics system with brown rice-based starch added...
TheCyborgDoggos Featured
sssindriolo2 TheCyborgDoggos public
Research Question: We want to test how three different types of seeds grow and...
Investigation Theme: The Wonder of Seeds (seed germination and growth)
The Win(sto)ning Team Featured
hthsrochefall2017project15 The Win(sto)ning Team public
Research Question: What effect does humidity have on the growth of tuberous...
Investigation Theme: The Wonder of Seeds (seed germination and growth)
The Tree Musketeers Featured
mhsschelling1 The Tree Musketeers public
Research Question: How does water percentage effect growth of soybeans?
Investigation Theme: The Wonder of Seeds (seed germination and growth)
The Three Sprouts Featured
dmsgrayfall2022project2 The Three Sprouts public
Research Question: How does the amount of sand in the soil affect how tall the...
Investigation Theme: Agronomy Feeds the World (where does food come from?)
The Tennis Team :) Featured
lsasfall2020project2 The Tennis Team :) public
Investigation Theme: Celery Challenge (plant anatomy, osmosis and diffusion)
The Sneezeweeds Featured
mhsraminposfall2023project6 The Sneezeweeds public
Research Question: Does being in a vacuum affect photosynthesis? We came up with...
Investigation Theme: The Power of Sunlight (photosynthesis and respiration)
The Search for Truth Featured
mhsbrooposfall2023project1 The Search for Truth public
Research Question: How do different layers of mesh surrounding a container of 9...
Investigation Theme: The Power of Sunlight (photosynthesis and respiration)
The Plant Planters Featured
lsasgamfall2022project2 The Plant Planters public
Research Question: Do older seeds germinate slower than newer ones? We came up...
Investigation Theme: The Wonder of Seeds (seed germination and growth)
The Marion soil Featured
mhskeelerspring2018project7 The Marion soil public
Research Question: Does Marion mi garden soil need fertilizer to have a better...
Investigation Theme: The Wonder of Seeds (seed germination and growth)
The Magnificent Melons Featured
nebuzzell15 The Magnificent Melons public
Research Question: Would two seeds in the same spot, radish and corn, radish and...
Investigation Theme: Agronomy Feeds the World (where does food come from?)
The Light of Life Featured
rhsnicefall2019project2 The Light of Life public
Research Question: What is the best light to help with germination and plant growth?
Investigation Theme: The Wonder of Seeds (seed germination and growth)
The I Don't Know Group Featured
ossstephensm The I Don't Know Group public
Research Question: How do acid levels affect the growth and germination of plant...
Investigation Theme: The Wonder of Seeds (seed germination and growth)


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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