Planting Science - Projects: Macromoleculers
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Project by group aljhsnagourneyfall2017

Explore We know that plants depend on photosynthesis to grow. We discovered the effects of carbon dioxide/ light and dark have on photosynthesis. A question that interests us is why can't photosynthesis occur in different weather conditions.
Research Question Our research question is what are the effects of red and green light on photosynthesis? We based off of investigations we haven't done in class. We previously tested how light and dark effects photosynthesis, so we wanted to see how other light effects photosynthesis.
Predictions We predicted the regular and red light would preform photosynthesis the fastest. We said that the green light wouldn't preform fast enough because green isn't absorbed it's reflected.
Experimental Design We had three water cups with 10-12 leaf disks in them. First, we vacuumed the air out of the spinach disks by using a syringe with water 3 times. Then, we put a couple drops of soap in the water. After, we added the spinach disks in the water. All of the disks should have sunk to the bottom when put in the water. The soap was used to take off the waxy coating of the disks so they would float easier. Then we covered 2 cups with red and green cellophane and put it under the light for 25 minutes. The cup without the cellophane represented regular light. We observed the cups to see which leaves were floating after every 5 minutes. During this time we recorded our data as we went along with the experiment. Our independent variables is the water with the soap. Our dependent is the green and red light. We kept the amount of leaf disks constant. We recorded the data in our BILLS and created a line graph.
Conclusion Photosynthesis can occur in regular and red light. The different wavelengths in red and green colors. Green is reflected and the rest are absorbed. Our claim is the leaves in the red light would float better than the leaves in the green light, this was supported. We can use different color cellophane to represent different color light.
Investigation Theme POS
Grade Level High School Students (Grades 9,10,11,12)
School Name Arthur L. Johnson High School
Session Fall 2017


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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