Planting Science - Group: Digging Deeper Workshop 2 Projects ~ Overview
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Digging Deeper Workshop 2 Projects

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Invite Only
20 Jul 2017

Goals/Big picture:

  1. Please describe what outcomes both for yourself and your students that you wish to achieve by participating in PlantingScience. (300 words or less)  
  • The outcomes the teachers want from PlantingScience is to experience this investigation before they present it to their students. They are also interested in new teaching strategies for a concept that they find difficult for their students to understand.
  1. What is the name of the course you are teaching (optionally include a short description of what you will cover and how PlantingScience fits into the larger course).
  • There is a mixture of general Biology, AP Bio, and Environmental science
  1. How much have you taught regarding the topics of the investigation theme (e.g. photosynthesis, genetics) prior to starting this investigation? Are you using PlantingScience to reinforce concepts already learned or more of a discovery tool for generating ideas about the topic?
  • All teachers have taught photosynthesis and respiration last fall as well as in previous years. Teachers are using PlantingScience as a discovery tool for generating ideas about the topic.

Important dates and times:

  1. Please estimate your start date (must be after session start).
  2. Your start date is the day your students first login online, with your pre-selected username and password.
  • July 26th 2017
  1. Please estimate your end date. Your end date is when students last post to say goodbye to the mentors.
  • July 28th 2017… and beyond
  1. Are there timeframes during your class inquiry the students will not access the website, such as school breaks? (Please note this in the calendar when you customize your group page) 
  • Students will be able to access website at all times during the week.
  1. Class meeting time(s): What time and which day(s) of the week does your class meet?
  • We meet Wednesday and Thursday from 8:00 am to around 5:00 pm and Friday from 8:00 am to noon.
  1. Estimated number of days per week your students will be able access the website to post information &/or communicate with mentors.
  • The students will be posting new information Wednesday July 26th through Friday July 28th

Classroom demographics and expectations:

  1. Science background and language skills.
  • Various levels of science teaching experience. Some teachers have a science education background, while other teacher may have started teaching science without the educational background. Some teachers have been teaching for only a few years while we have many veteran teachers in the classroom.
  1. Is there additional information you think would be helpful to mentors (e.g., access to equipment, your class expectations)?
  • Available equipment is provided to the teachers and there are limited supplies available. Many teachers are familiar with this activity and have implemented similar strategies inside their classroom, while other teachers may need a little more support learning these techniques.
  • Classroom expectations are to go between teacher hat and student hat. It is encouraged for the teachers to participate by voicing their opinions and ideas. As mentors we would like for you to sit back and support the teachers while they take the lead, just like it would be seen in the classroom where the teachers would sit back and let the students take the lead along with support of their mentors.

About Our Class

What We're Doing

Our Outcomes


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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