'''Prior to May 20, 2016''' Review the following documents (Can be found in "File" section of Group page): ''AFW Kickoff notes AFW Key Concepts and Outcomes (Summarizes “Kickoff” notes) Agronomy Grow with It Section Summaries Inquiry Author Team Guidelines Begin exchanging ideas with your team members and begin collecting potential resources/web links in a shared in the team wiki page on http://dig.plantingscience.org.'' '''May 20, 2016''' Arrive in Madison, WI (Please see “Logistics” attachment or March 22 email, also in "File" section of Group page). '''May 21, 2016''' 8:00am – 6:00pm (times approximate) We will break into teams to work on different sections of the module, with a focus on the key concepts as outlined in the “Kickoff Meeting Notes” (also in "File" section). __Agenda:__ •Break group into 4 teams one to tackle each ‘key concept.’ •Each team chooses a ‘key concept’ on which to build and separate from rest of group. •Taking each “Learning Outcome” into consideration, flesh out key components of how to develop a module: o Overview o Content o Logistics o Consider mentors, teacher, and student guides • Return to main group and discuss any questions/issues prior to lunch • Each team reviews their outline with the main group. • Teams break up again, this time to integrate all 4 concepts into each component of the inquiry module. • Come back together to large group and review entire program. • Craft a completed AFW module(s). o What plant(s) will be used? o What should be experimental setup? o Will this fall within the timeframe? o Possibly with several experimental options for inquiry? '''May 22, 2016''' Wrap up any unfinished business by 12:00pm. Depart Madison, WI.