[[File(Agronomy_Feeds_the_World_Planning_Agenda.pdf)]] '''TO DO:''' '''Prior to April 22, 2016''' Review the “Agronomy Feeds the World Survey Summary” and direct questions to Jodi. Log in to AFW Group on http://dig.plantingscience.org (see invitation via email). Pick first two choices for “key concept” team. We will assign these during the call. '''April 22, 2016''' Conference call with team members During this call, we need to decide on a project for the module, in addition to the theme/key concepts that could be covered with this project. __Agenda:__ ''Discuss http://dig.plantingscience.org organizational structure. Review project ideas. Vote on project that touches on majority of key concepts. Divide into 4 “key concept” groups for May 21st planning session. Suggestions: 1) Field to Table – From where does food come and how does it get there? 2) Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility – How do plants get nutrients to grow? 3) Geography and Water – How do these aspects affect growth of the same crops? 4) Plant Stresses – What are potential issues with growing food? Discuss possibility of a paper presentation (at ASA meeting) on this process. (Jamie)''