Planting Science - Resources: All

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  1. geneticsininbredarabidopsis x
  2. foundationofgenetics x
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  4. celerychallenge x
  5. powerofsunlight x
  1. Genetics in Inbred Arabidopsis - Table of Contents

    16 Oct 2018

    Table of Contents for the Arabidopsis Student Guide

  2. Mentor Tip Sheet - Pollen and Pollination

    30 Aug 2018

    The purpose of this tip sheet is to help you as a scientist mentor anticipate and respond to students as they post online about their pollen and pollinator investigations.

  3. Celery Challenge - Toolkit

    30 Dec 2017 | Teacher Resources

  4. Managing multiple classrooms as a Liaison (or as a Mentor)

    10 Jan 2017 | Mentor Resources

    Some tips for how to organize, schedule and communicate when dealing with multiple teams, schools and teachers!

  5. The Power of Sunlight - Supporting Materials

    02 Sep 2016 | Teacher Resources | Contributor(s): plantingscience

    This resource contains several files and three videos referred to in the Teacher's Guide.Please click on the "Supporting Docs" tab above to access all of the files and videos for this module.A supporting link to a video clip on chloroplasts and starch in this...

  6. Genetics in Inbred Arabidopsis - Student Guide

    17 Jun 2016 | Student Resources

    What is a trait?Biologists use the terms "trait" and "phenotype" interchangeably. They both describe theexpressed characteristics of an organism. The color of a leaf, the height of a plant, the smell of a flower – these are all traits. This is not the same as an organism's genotype, although...

  7. Genetics in Inbred Arabidopsis - Teacher's Guide

    16 Jun 2016 | Teacher Resources

    Abstract: Designed as a whole-class experiment, students work in teams to understand genotypicvariationamongrecombinantinbredlines(RILs)ofthemodelorganism Arabidopsisthaliana.Seedsareused from two parent lines, Columbia and Landsberg, as well as numerous...

  8. Genetics in Inbred Arabidopsis - Table of Contents

    16 Jun 2016 | Teacher Resources

  9. Foundation of Genetics - Mentor Tip Sheet

    16 Jun 2016 | Mentor Resources

    The purpose of this tip sheet is to help you as a scientist mentor anticipate and respond to students as they post online about their investigations on a Brassica rapa population.

  10. Foundation of Genetics - Glossary and Appendices

    16 Jun 2016 | Teacher Resources

  11. Foundation of Genetics - Plants, Genetics, Environment

    16 Jun 2016 | Teacher Resources

    This section is dedicated to carrying out data collection, analysis, and sense-making throughout the lifecycle of Brassica rapa. As a reminder, the parent lines, the F1 generation, and the F2 generation (whichstudents are growing) are shown below in diagram with their respective phenotypes...

  12. Foundation of Genetics - Growing System Logistics

    16 Jun 2016 | Teacher Resources

    The EnvironmentHere we focus on setting up your growing system, including light, and soil / nutrition, and water system.This is also a perfect opportunity to explore with your students the environmental needs of plants.Plants need light, air, water, appropriate temperature, and nutrition...

  13. Foundation of Genetics - Table of Contents

    16 Jun 2016 | Teacher Resources

    See what is covered in this module through the Table of Contents.

  14. Foundation of Genetics - Overview and Planning

    16 Jun 2016 | Teacher Resources

    Abstract: Designed as a whole‐class experiment, students work in teams to grow a selected strain of Brassica rapa plants from seed to seed, and monitor plant traits as they develop over the course of a life cycle. Observations and measurements are made, pooled with data from other...

  15. C-Fern Module - Mentor's Tip Sheet

    16 Jun 2016 | Mentor Resources

    The purpose of this tip sheet is to help you as a scientist mentor anticipate and respond to students as they post online about their C-Fern® investigations.

  16. Celery Challenge - Mentor Tip Sheet

    16 Jun 2016 | Mentor Resources

    The purpose of this tip sheet is to help you as a scientist mentor anticipate and respond to students as they post online about their investigations on how water moves through plants, using celery.

  17. Celery Challenge - Mentor Tip Sheet

    16 Jun 2016 | Mentor Resources

    The purpose of this tip sheet is to help you as a scientist mentor anticipate and respond to students as they post online about their investigations on how water moves through plants, using celery.

  18. Celery Challenge - Student's Guide

    16 Jun 2016 | Student Resources

    In this module, you will think about transpiration, osmosis, and different cell types by trying to cause celery stalks to bend as much as possible. Carrying out several experiments while blogging with a plant biologist will help you develop ideas about these processes.

  19. Celery Challenge - Teacher's Guide

    16 Jun 2016 | Teacher Resources

    Premise: Many students know that plants require water to live, but fewer understand the processes by which plants take up, transport, and release water. Although plants and plant organs clearly have different structures, students are often surprised to learn that all plant cells are not the...

  20. More Resources for the Celery Challenge

    16 Jun 2016 | Teacher Resources

    Videos,WebPages,andPeer-ReviewedArticles toSupplementtheCeleryChallenge Teacher’sGuide

  21. The Power of Sunlight - Toolkit

    25 May 2016 | Teacher Resources | Contributor(s): plantingscience

    The PlantingScience Power of Sunlight Toolkit provides background, materials lists, detailed procedures, and safety considerations for additional experimental methods related to photosynthesis and respiration. These tools can provide students the opportunity to ask a wider range of research...

  22. The Power of Sunlight - Student's Guide

    25 May 2016 | Student Resources | Contributor(s): plantingscience

    In this module, you will join a research team to ask questions about photosynthesis and cellular respiration, then carry out experiments to help answer these questions. You’ll create a team blog where you’ll post your ideas and share your data with a plant biologist, and share what...

  23. The Power of Sunlight - Teacher's Guide

    25 May 2016 | Teacher Resources | Contributor(s): plantingscience

    Investigations in Photosynthesis & Respiration.

  24. The Power of Sunlight - Mentor Tip Sheet

    25 May 2016 | Mentor Resources

    The purpose of this tip sheet is to help you as a scientist mentor anticipate and respond to students as they post online about their photosynthesis &/or respiration investigations.

  25. The Power of Sunlight - Mentor Tip Sheet

    25 May 2016 | Mentor Resources | Contributor(s): plantingscience

    The purpose of this tip sheet is to help you as a scientist mentor anticipate and respond to students as they post online about their photosynthesis &/or respiration investigations.


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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