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  1. cfern x
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  1. The Tree-mendous Benefits of Trees - Teacher Guide

    16 Oct 2020 | Contributor(s): plantingscience

    Trees are a critical component of our ecosystem: They can produce the food we eat, oxygen that we breathe, shade from the sun, and so much more. Trees are an important and recognizable part of landscapes and forests, but most people don't think about the importance of trees and their value to the...

  2. Mentor Tip Sheet - Pollen and Pollination

    30 Aug 2018 | Contributor(s): plantingscience

    The purpose of this tip sheet is to help you as a scientist mentor anticipate and respond to students as they post online about their pollen and pollinator investigations.

  3. Celery Challenge - Toolkit

    30 Dec 2017 | Teacher Resources

  4. C-Fern: Seeds and Spores Power Point

    13 Oct 2017 | Teacher Resources

    Referred to in the Teacher's Guide for the C-Fern module, this file will assist you with this module.

  5. C-Fern: Seeds and Spores Power Point

    13 Oct 2017 | Teacher Resources

    Referred to in the Teacher's Guide for the C-Fern module, this file will assist you with this module.

  6. C-Fern Module - Mentor's Tip Sheet

    16 Jun 2016 | Mentor Resources

    The purpose of this tip sheet is to help you as a scientist mentor anticipate and respond to students as they post online about their C-Fern® investigations.

  7. C-Fern Module - Mentor's Tip Sheet

    16 Jun 2016 | Mentor Resources

    The purpose of this tip sheet is to help you as a scientist mentor anticipate and respond to students as they post online about their C-Fern® investigations.

  8. C-Fern Module - Teacher's Guide

    16 Jun 2016 | Teacher Resources

    Module Big Ideas and Design: This module is designed to expose students to the plant life cycle. They will gain firsthand experience with the alternation of generations, a phenomenon that is typically difficult for students to understand. Students work in teams to grow, observe and document...

  9. C-Fern Module - Teacher's Guide

    16 Jun 2016 | Teacher Resources

    Module Big Ideas and Design: This module is designed to expose students to the plant life cycle. They will gain firsthand experience with the alternation of generations, a phenomenon that is typically difficult for students to understand. Students work in teams to grow, observe and document...

  10. Pollen Module - Table of Contents

    16 Jun 2016 | Teacher Resources | Contributor(s): plantingscience

    Please review the topics covered in this module via the Table of Contents.

  11. Pollen Module Overview

    16 Jun 2016 | Teacher Resources | Contributor(s): plantingscience

    Abstract: This module provides great flexibility. You can choose some or all of the activities. Each section is posted in separate pdf files on the PlantingScience website, on the Plant Themes / Pollen page. Activity Set A is a basic orientation to plant anatomy in relation to where pollen is...

  12. Celery Challenge - Mentor Tip Sheet

    16 Jun 2016 | Mentor Resources

    The purpose of this tip sheet is to help you as a scientist mentor anticipate and respond to students as they post online about their investigations on how water moves through plants, using celery.

  13. Celery Challenge - Student's Guide

    16 Jun 2016 | Student Resources

    In this module, you will think about transpiration, osmosis, and different cell types by trying to cause celery stalks to bend as much as possible. Carrying out several experiments while blogging with a plant biologist will help you develop ideas about these processes.

  14. Celery Challenge - Teacher's Guide

    16 Jun 2016 | Teacher Resources

    Premise: Many students know that plants require water to live, but fewer understand the processes by which plants take up, transport, and release water. Although plants and plant organs clearly have different structures, students are often surprised to learn that all plant cells are not the...

  15. More Resources for the Celery Challenge

    16 Jun 2016 | Teacher Resources

    Videos,WebPages,andPeer-ReviewedArticles toSupplementtheCeleryChallenge Teacher’sGuide

  16. Activity Set C: Field Study of Flowers and Pollinators

    24 May 2016 | Teacher Resources | Contributor(s): plantingscience

    Summary: In outdoor field settings, students investigate animal pollinators, most likely insects and hummingbirds. Student inquiry questions will be explored by collecting data on pollinator visits to flowers. Students count the number of pollinator visits to flowers during timed observation...

  17. Activity Set B: Exploring Pollen in the Atmosphere

    24 May 2016 | Teacher Resources | Contributor(s): plantingscience

    Summary: Students explore wind-pollination through investigating pollen in the atmosphere. They construct simple pollen traps and set them outdoors. Using a staining technique to distinguish pollen from other material on microscope slides, students conduct pollen counts from the collected...

  18. Activity Set A: Background for Inquiries Investigating Pollen in Plant Reproduction

    24 May 2016 | Teacher Resources | Contributor(s): plantingscience

    Summary: Students gain background knowledge for inquiry investigations through dissecting flowers and/or cones and observing pollen grains through compound microscopes. In addition, students conduct either a guided or open inquiry investigation by growing pollen tubes. Through these activities,...

  19. The Wonder of Seeds - Mentor Tip Sheet

    19 May 2016 | Mentor Resources | Contributor(s): plantingscience

    The purpose of this tip sheet is to help you as a scientist mentor anticipate and respond to students as they post online about their germination and seedling growth investigations.

  20. The Wonder of Seeds - Student's Guide

    17 May 2016 | Student Resources | Contributor(s): plantingscience

    Investigations in Germination & Plant Growth


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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