Planting Science - Projects: wmacostspring2021 project 2
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wmacostspring2021 project 2

Project by group wmacostspring2021

Research Question To investigate whether seeds will grow and germinate in the dark as well as in the light, and what color the sprouts will be in the dark and in the light. Will environmental factors such as lighting affect the seed's ability to germinate and grow, if so, what color will the sprouts be in the dark and in the light?
Predictions Hypothesis: If the seed is placed in the light, then it will sprout and have a green pigment. If the seed is placed in the dark, then it will sprout and not have a green pigment. Null Hypothesis: If the seed is placed in the light, there will be no effect on that seed. If the seed is placed in the dark, there will be no effect on that seed.
Experimental Design Procedure: 1. Collect all the materials needed for the lab experiment. 2. Wet the paper towel or cotton ball until it is damp but not soaked through. You will need two of either the paper towel or the cotton ball. 3. Place one to two seeds on each of the paper towels or cotton balls. 4. Take the damp paper towels or cotton balls and place them inside the plastic Ziploc bags. 5. Close and seal the Ziploc bags but be sure to leave a quarter of the Ziploc bags unsealed to ensure airflow. 6. Place the first Ziploc bag in an area where there is a source of light (sun, UV light, LED light, etc). The area must be room temperature. 7. Place the second ziploc bag in an area where there are no sources of light (closet, sealed cardboard box, cupboards, wrapped in tinfoil, etc). The area must be room temperature. 8. Check on and water the paper towels or cotton balls every few days, ensure that the paper towels or cotton balls are not dried out. It must always be damp, not soaked. 9. Over the next few days, gather the data and observations of the seeds.
Investigation Theme WOS
Grade Level High School Students (Grades 9,10,11,12)
Teacher Name Diana Cost
School Name Wilbraham Monson Academy
Session Spring 2021


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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