Planting Science - Projects: smsramigfall2022 project 6
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smsramigfall2022 project 6

Project by group smsramigfall2022

Explore That all plants need water sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. We have learned that plants need the same things to survive, live in different places and grow at different times. Some questions about plants that interest us are buckwheat seeds look like small beech tree seeds. Beech is also called buck which is how buckwheat got its name.
Research Question Our group wanted to study the Buckwheat plant. We studied how tall the plant would grow if we watered it a certain amount twice a week. We came up with the questions by knowing that water is needed for a plant to grow, and that some plants could grow in different amounts. The question fits with what we know about the topic because we are trying to see if a plant can grow with a certain amount of water, which is used in the growth of many plants.
Predictions The possible outcomes of our study given the variables of our study is the 1/2 of added water could have drowned that is the same for the bottle with 1/4. The outcome of the bottle with no added water is it could have dried up and died. Our explanation for why and how this will happen is the bottle with 1/2 cup of water could have gotten too much because the water was above all of the plants roots and stems of almost all of the plants. The same goes for the 1/4 cup of added water. For the no added water the plants looked quite dehydrated and dry and they looked like they were going to die.
Experimental Design Our plan is to set it up by cutting a plastic 2 liter bottle in half. We put water in the bottom and flipped the top of the bottle upside down to put soil in it and then set the upside down top on the bottom. There is a cloth acting as a wick to bring water to the soil. We planted 10 buckwheat seeds in the soil for each bottle. The variable we will measure and observe is height in millimeters. The variables we will keep constant are amount of sunlight, amount of soil, size of bottle, amount of fertilizer, amount of seeds, and using the same liquid to water the plant. We created a google sheet to record the height off the plant on 10/25, 10/27, 10/31, 11/4, and 11/7.
Conclusion The claim we can make from our experiment is the plant with no water grew the tallest. A Possible explanation for this experiment is that the plant with added water had too much water. The data we collected and our reasoning with scientific ideas support our claim by growing the tallest out of the three plants. The future experiment that could be performed is changing the amount of sunlight instead of water.
Investigation Theme WOS
Teacher Name Nancy Ramig
School Name Saint Michael School
Session Spring 2022


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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