Planting Science - Projects: smsramigfall2022 project 12
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smsramigfall2022 project 12

Project by group smsramigfall2022

Explore We knew that plants needed water, sun, and Co2 to survive on Earth. We discovered during class and in background research that our plant Coriander needs full sun to grow. The questions about plants that interest us are: If there is a liquid that speeds up the growth of plants and If Red Bull is like fertilizer.
Research Question If 10 coriander seeds are planted in containers with different liquids, then the seeds in full strength Red Bull will be the tallest. We want to test how much our plant will grow with different kinds of liquids. We came up with the questions while we were discussing our observations.
Predictions My group thinks the Red Bull seed will not grow, we all think that the water plant will grow because we all know that water and a plant will grow and Red Bull will not. We all think this will happen because
Experimental Design We set up the environment with the 2 liter bottle with the soil and the cloth. Then we put the coriander seeds in the bottle. Then we watered it with the red bull, water, and half red bull. Then we would put the heights each day in the spreadsheet.
Conclusion Our hypothesis was that if ten coriander seeds were planted in containers with different liquids ,then the seed in full strength Red bull would be the tallest and this hypothesis was not supported during the experiment. The evidence showed that Red bull did not make the plant grow any better at all. In future experiments we know that we will not use Red bull or Carbonated drinks on a plant to help it grow taller and bigger.
Investigation Theme WOS
Teacher Name Nancy Ramig
School Name Saint Michael School
Session Spring 2022


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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