Planting Science - Projects: 6C Table 6
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6C Table 6

Project by group sffstantocospring2017

Research Question When seeds come in contact to boiling water how is the affect different from cold or room temperature water?
Predictions If 3 of the same seed each had a different water temperature, (One cold, one room temperature, and one boiling.) Then the boiling one would grow the fastest, then the room temperature one, then the cold one would germinate slowest. Because hot water softens things, so it would soften the seed coat, and the room temperature water would be normal germination, and the cold would not have any heat, and it wouldn't be able to germinate.
Experimental Design 1. Observe the 6 seeds you will be using in the 1st round of the experiment before you put them in the petri dishes. a. Take a sketch and some written observations about what the seed looks like. 2. Soak 18 nasturtium seeds overnight in a container with 2-3 cm of water a. Observe seeds and record data 3. Fill a cup up with water. Put a handful or two into the cup and let it sit for a minute. 4. Take the temperature of the cold water before putting the towel in the petri dish. 5. Than moisten the paper towel with the cold water from the petri dish 6. Place two seeds on a moist paper towel that is with cold water a. Take observations and record data 7. Moisten paper towel everyday with the same temperature of cold water. 8. Fill up a cup of water and that is room temperature. Not too cold and not too hot. In the middle. 9. Take the temperature of the room temperature water and record it in your lab notebook. 10. Than place two other seeds on a moist paper towel that is room temperature. a.Take observations and record data b.Moisten paper towel every day with the same temperature of room temperature water. This will be your control variable. 11. Boil water 12. Take the temperature of the hot water. 13. Take a paper towel and put it in hot water. 14. Then place two seeds on the moist towel in a petri dish and place in a controlled environment. a. Take observations and record the data b. Remoisten the paper towel every da
Investigation Theme WOS
Grade Level Middle School Students (grades 6,7,8)
School Name San Francisco Friends School
Session Spring 2017



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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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