Planting Science - Projects: Period 1 Group 5
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Period 1 Group 5

Project by group mvhshawthornefall2017

Explore We know that plants require sunlight and water in order to grow and that plants help us survive. What we discovered in class/background research that photosynthesis can't' occur if there is a lack of oxygen bubbles.
Research Question What we want to test that if we had healthier leaves, how would that impact our experiment. Or if we changed how much of the spinach we cut out or not damaging the leaves. We came up with these questions because we believe these were some of the problems with our experiment.
Predictions Possible outcomes could be that the leaves could float faster if we had more healthy leaves or if we blew hard enough into the water with breath that would create more CO2 which would produce more oxygen which would cause more to float.
Experimental Design Our plan is to instead of just using spinach, we are going to use spinach, kale and arugula. All 3 cups would be filled with baking soda, and the whole syringe process would the same as the original procedure. We plan on keeping the entire procedure the same except for which leaves we are using. Our control in thus variable would be the baking soda with spinach since we have already tried that in this experiment.
Conclusion So our experiment originally kind of failed, but eventually around 15 minutes one of the disks of the control had floated. Possible explanations would be that the leaves were damaged in the syringe or the leaves were to weak. The data we collected shows how none of ours floated and that seems to be for the reasons stated above. Future experiments could be the one stated in the questions above.
Investigation Theme POS
Grade Level High School Students (Grades 9,10,11,12)
School Name Mountain View High School
Session Fall 2017


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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