Planting Science - Projects: Lil Cacti
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Lil Cacti

Project by group nsbuzzellfall2021

Explore What have we discovered in class and background research? We have discovered that a seed is a ripened ovule of a fertilized flower. We have also discovered that most seeds have a protective outer seed coat that encloses the embryonic root or radicle. In background research, we found out that after dispersal, seeds remain inactive, or dormant, until environmental conditions are favorable for germination and growth. What questions about plants are we interested in? How do seeds form and how long does it take for them to form? How do leaves have various shapes and sizes? How does sap form and what creates it to form? How does the PH affect the color of the plant?
Research Question How much salinity can millet plants tolerate?
Predictions if we water plants in different concentrations of salt then we predict that the 2.5 mg and 5 mg will grow the best. 15 mg and 25 mg might grow, but i think they won't thrive like 2.5 mg and 5 mg. We think that the 5 mg and the 2.5 mg will grow better because there isn't to much salt and we think the plant will adapt. We think that 15 mg and 25 mg won't grow good because there is way to much salt.
Experimental Design For our experiment, we intend to use soil, water, salt, pots, and plastic water bottles. Note: The plastic water bottles are used to mix the water and salt. First, we’ll put the soil into the pots. Then, we plant our seed 2 inches deep. Next, we plan to water the plant each week. We’ll have 5 tests. One is the control, one with 25mg of salt, 50mg of salt, 75mg of salt, and 100mg of salt. Each test will have 1copy of it just in case. For this project, we tend to use about 10 pots, 5 water bottles and fill the pots all the way with soil. We will put 3 seeds in each cup
Conclusion Our hypothesis was supported. The data table shows that the 15 and 25 mg of salt stopped growing and stayed at 8.5cm and 6.4cm. The data table also shows that the 15 and 25 mg of salt started dying on 10/26. In our prediction, we said that the 0-5 controls would thrive pretty well and our prediction was correct. The 0-5 controls were pretty healthy and our final measurements were: 0 mg 10.3cm, 2.5 mg 11.8cm, and 5 mg were 9.5cm. This is how our hypothesis was supported. During the experiment, we had some issues like some of our plats weren't growing, but we strived past them and were able to finish the experiment with the results that we were hoping for.
Investigation Theme WOS
Teacher Name Rebecca Buzzell
School Name Nottingham School
Session Fall 2021


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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