Planting Science - Projects: Tomatoad Tree-o
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Tomatoad Tree-o

Project by group nsbuzzellfall2021

Explore What do we know about plants from our experiences outside of school? That plants have feelings, they are alive, without plants we could not live, they will be be eaten by a animal, How long does it take to grow a tomato plant? Do we need all plants? What have we discovered in class and background research? What questions about plants interest us? How long can plants survive without water? How long can plants go without sunlight? What do we know about plants? How long can a normal plant go without water? How long can a vegetable plant go until the veggie rots? How tall can a vegetable plant grow? How big and juicy can vegetables get while growing?????
Research Question What type of colored light works best with different plants? What questions do we have about this?
Predictions We think dark colors aren't going to be as effective than light colors. The light colors will have more of a effect on the plant. Light colors produce more ultraviolet rays than dark colors.
Experimental Design We need 27 Rye grass seeds and nine pots. We need 2 boxes and 3 pots per box and 3 seeds per pot. We are using a blue light bulb, a orange lightbulb, and the sun as our control
Conclusion We predict that dark colors aren't going to be as effective than light colors. The light colors will have more of a effect on the plant. Light colors produce more ultraviolet rays than dark colors. Our predictions were supported by the data we collected. The orange lights plants were the tallest, with an average height of 25.5 cm. The blue light plants came in second with an average height of 20 cm and then the sunlight plants were the smallest with an average height of 19.5 cm. The orange light plants were the tallest. The orange light plants were the lightest color so in conclusion the plants with the lighter colored light make it so plants turn out better than the plants with the darker colors
Investigation Theme WOS
Teacher Name Rebecca Buzzell
School Name Nottingham School
Session Fall 2021


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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