Planting Science - Projects: Dormant Dandelions
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Dormant Dandelions

Project by group nsbuzzellfall2021

Explore What do we know about plants from our experiences outside of school? That plants grow on their own and others are poisonous. Some plants can get big and tall but others can die very quickly. What have we discovered in class and background research? In 5th grade we learned about germination and grew beans. Some people grew theres in soil or in a wet paper towel. What questions about plants interest us? Robin: I was wondering what your everyday life is like as a scientist. And how long it takes to grow a plant.
Research Question Will growing plants under a 24 hour plant light make them grow more than normal plants getting normal daylight?
Predictions The 24 hour grow lamp is going to make plants grow faster than sun light. Because the 24 hour glow lamp is going to stay on longer than the actual sun. so the seed will sprout and come up out of the ground faster.After the seed sprouts it will grow taller during the growing process.
Experimental Design Our experimental design is, 3 pots under a 24 hour grow lamp with 5 seeds in each and 3 pots next to the window with 5 seeds in each. We will water the plants 16.3871 ml once a week. We are going to measure the plants 2 times every week.
Conclusion We predicted the 24 hour grow lamp is going to make plants grow faster than sunlight. The soil was dryer under the 24 hour grow lamp. The plant grew at the same rate but on the graph the 24 hour light had more growth. We thought the 24 hour grow lamp would help the plants grow faster and make them stronger. When we planted the seeds we hoped it would help them under the lamp.
Investigation Theme WOS
Teacher Name Rebecca Buzzell
School Name Nottingham School
Session Fall 2021


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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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