Planting Science - Projects: The Flying Eggplants
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The Flying Eggplants

Project by group nebuzzellspring2017

Explore Plants are all over the world they collect carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Farmers use some types of plants to grow crops and this will help the stores have stock to sell. Plants need the proper water, dirt, sunlight, temperature, and P.H. for it to grow.
Research Question Our teem's research question is what will happen if we give a plant different temperatures of water.
Predictions We think that the warm water will help the plants grow. We think this because the warm water will help the juices in the plants flow and speedup the rate of growth.
Experimental Design We plan to use three separate bottles full of water, each bottle of water will have roughly 4 inches of soil in them, they will be different temperatures, one will be room temperature, another will be cool water, and the last will be warm water. We will measure their rate of growth. We will use radishes for the experiment. We will record it in are separate journals. Here is what you need to do this experiment.#1 three two liter bottle cut in half, you only need the bottom,#2 20 milliliters of water for each bottle every two days, make sure one is cold, warm, and room temp.#3 two and one half inches of soil in each bottle.#4 put 5 radish seeds in each bottle one inch deep. We will be measuring the average height in each bottle to see which one had the most growth.
Conclusion We have learned that warm water grew the radishes the quickest and the healthiest, the cold water grew them just as healthy but had less growth, and the room temperature water grew the least and was unhealthy. We think the warm grew the best, because it keeps everything in the plant flowing easily. The cold and room temperature could have damaged the plants internals. These results support our hypothesis, because we thought the warm water would make them grow the most. If we could do this experiment again, We would make each temperature of water have to bottle, so if one flooded or tipped over, there is one to take its place. It would also give more solid results.
Investigation Theme AFW
Grade Level Middle School Students (grades 6,7,8)
School Name Nottingham Elementary
Session Spring 2017



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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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