Planting Science - Projects: The Five Plants
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The Five Plants

Project by group nebuzzellspring2017

Explore We've learned that some plants are edible and some are not. We've also learned that some plants are poisonous and some are safe. Lots of people grow plants to save money and if you grow your plants than they are all natural and do not have pesticides on them. In class we have learned all about farming and grafting. We have learned about pesticides and how some plants are organic and some are not. We have also learned that grafting plants can help get rid of weeds and can help them grow faster and bigger. We think that plants are very interesting and we were wondering if grafted plants could possibly create a new fruit or vegetable. We want to study grafted plants. We learned about grafting and came up with questions that interested us. The question in the previous answer was about if a grafted plant can grow a new kind of fruit or vegetable.
Research Question Will the different amounts of water affect the growth of radishes?
Predictions We predict that the radishes with the normal amount of water will grow the best. We also think that the plant that gets the most water will die and that the plant with the least water won't grow as much or as fast as the other ones. The plant that gets the right amount of water for radishes will grow the biggest and the fastest because it won't drown and will get the right amount of water radishes need. The ones that are getting flooded will not grow as much because the plant will be getting to much water. The plants that are not getting enough water will not grow as much as the control group because it won't be getting enough water to grow.
Experimental Design Materials: - 4 soda bottles - 4 radish seeds per bottle - potting soil - H2O (water) -sun -sharpie -scissors/knife Our plan is to give the radishes different amounts of water. We will have two controlled plants and two experimental plants. The controlled plants will get about 10 inches of water a day. Our flood plants will get 40 milliliters of water a day. The other plant will get 10 milliliters every other day. We are going to put 4 seed in each soda bottle and they will be one inch apart and an inch and a half to an inch deep in the soil. We will measure the plants every day they are growing in centimeters on their height. The first step for the project is you cut your soda bottles with a cardboard cutter or scissors so you can fit your plants in them. You then collect radish seeds to put in. You put 4 seeds in each soda bottle. You then put about a scoop of potting soil in your bottle than plant your radish seed one inch deep and one inch apart. You then make sure your plants are in the sunlight. Make sure you label two bottles control, one drought, and one flood. You then water the drought plants every other day. You give them about 10 milliliters every other day. You then water the control groups every day and you give them 10 milliliters of water.Then you give the flood plants 40 milliliters of water every day. You then record your data of the average plants on their height in centimeters (cm).
Conclusion Our conclusion from the experiment did not support our hypothesis. We thought that the control plants were going to grow the best. We thought the flood would start to grow, but then the plants would drown and that the drought plants would not grow at all. The drought plants didn't grow but the flood plants grew the best. The drought plants grew the biggest and the fastest and the control plants still grew well but they didn't grow as big as the flood plants. This information could help in future experiments because farmers could plant different types of plants and see what conditions the plants grew the best.
Investigation Theme AFW
Grade Level Middle School Students (grades 6,7,8)
School Name Nottingham Elementary
Session Spring 2017



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NSF_Logo.jpg This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #2010556 and #1502892. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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