~ Group 10: Planting Science Journal ~ 10/3/18 Today, we started our brainstorm about our projects and different things we could test. 10/4/18 Today, we completed our brainstorming sheet, as well as created our research question and completed 1 and 2 of our slides. We decided to study germination of seeds, and our experiment could be to soak some seeds in water (experiment) and plant them with some normal seeds (control) and see which one germinates faster. Our question for this would be “Does soaking a seed in water help seed germination?”. We came up with this because in class, our teacher soaked beans in water so we could dissect them, the beans became soft, and were easy to cut, so we are going to see if soaking the seeds in water will improve the rate of growth. 10/8/18 Today, we changed our research question to: “How does the PH of water affect the seed growth over time?”. We are using a soybean and we are going to use different liquids with different PH levels to water each different plant. We will constantly test our PH using PH strips to see how it affects the rate of growth. 10/18/18 Today, we started building our experiment. We got 3 beakers of normal tap water at 7 pH and we poured in pH buffer powder to get our water to have the pH of 9.18, 4, and 7. We also soaked and planted our seeds in gravel so that we can water them. We put 2 seeds per cup, and 4 cups per pH. Tomorrow we are going to continue to water and work on our experiments! 10/22/18 Today, we watered our plants all 2.5 ML of water. We also labeled each one with a different letter. We checked the height and observed the plants and Shana recorded the data in the chart. We also added 2 columns to our chart, observations, and amount of water. 10/24/18 Today, we watered our plants 6ml of water. We also found that our soybeans started to germinate. In the beginning, we put all our extra seeds in a cup and watered it with a lot of water, and it started to grow. We decided to add some more water so the seeds would grow better. 10/25/18 Today, we watered out plants with 9ml of water, because they still didn't start to grow, and the experimental plant was growing very well. We recorded data again, and there was still no change except plant A of 9.18 stated to germinate. 10/26/18 Today, we found that our seeds started to germinate. We learned that the seeds grow better with more water! Almost all the plants started to germinate, and we recorded the new data! 11/1/18 Today, we wrapped up out experiments. We measured our plants, and we had some really giant plants! The biggest one measured about 15.5 cm! We are overall pretty happy about our experiment. Our conclusion is that plants grow best in normal tap water because they grew the tallest and germinated the fastest in it! Our hypothesis was supported by our experiment as well. We are going to work on our conclusion from now on!